A Kid Safe YouTube begins with Parental Guidance (Featuring Kids Songs that are Dangerous for Children)In this blog post, I would like to discuss about the importance of parental guidance to ensure a kid-safe YouTube, as well as kids songs that seem innocent but are actually potentially-dangerous for your child. My daughter Maeleth Sarah Goh is 22 months old now and my wife Amilee and I allow her to watch YouTube only during her meal at home or when we need her to be distracted for a short while when we are completing other tasks at hand. As Mae's interest in watching kids shows online grows, we find that it's increasingly important to watch the shows with her so that she only watches age-appropriate content. Just a few months back in October, I remember that in Singapore they were having a few Halloween-themed events where staff would dress up in scary costumes and people would pay to go for the haunted houses to be spooked. I love going for such events because I like the thrill, but I certainly don't want Mae to be experiencing that at her current age - it would probably traumatize her and give her nightmares. If your child has already been exposed to horror content and is freaked out, I recommending reading my blog post that can help with that: Eliminate the Fear of Watching Really Scary Horror Movies: Learn the Mental Trick That I’ll Teach my Daughter Well what happened was, while Mae was watching her usual kids videos on YouTube, suddenly a sponsored advertisement appeared, and it was promoting one of those scary Halloween events. Thank God I was sitting next to her watching the show with her - I quickly clicked "skip ad" and thankfully she wasn't exposed to anything scary. What a big relief. However, that incident showed me how important parental guidance is to ensure a kid-safe YouTube. Sometimes an inappropriate ad can show up in the middle of a kids song, and you have to be prepared to click it away before your child faces potential lifelong mental scarring.
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January 2024
AuthorHi I’m Milton Goh, I'm 31 years old and i'm a blogger who writes about Christianity, Parenting, Life Lessons that I learn from Movies/Shows, and Lifestyle. |