2019年12月29日 - 爱你的神会接纳你 - 新造教会讲道笔记 - 马可牧师 - New Creation Church Mandarin Sermon Notes (Pastor Mark Ng)
你不用在神的面前装一幅快乐的脸。神不是唠叨的—他会一直接纳你。 约翰一书 4:15-17 - 新约不是看我们做什么—是相信神爱我们。 恩典永远普照在你的生命中。有时候你看不见因为你没有打开窗帘(听信福音)。信心是通过听道而来的。 “凡是承认耶稣是神儿子的,神就住在他里面,他也住在神里面。 这样,我们已经认识并相信了神对我们所怀的爱。神就是爱;那住在爱里面的,就住在神里面,神也住 在他里面。 从这一点,爱在我们里面得以完全,使我们在审判的日子可以坦然无惧,因为基督 怎样,我们在这世上也怎样。” (约翰一书 4:15-17 CSBS) 真正的神学就是相信神爱我们。 这世界上最热卖的书籍是“圣经”和“哈利珀特”。什么事都是从灵里发出来的—不管是正面的还是负面的,我们对灵界很好奇。 当你领受神的恩典,你就会更深地爱神。 神选择与你同在因为他爱你。 恩典下最重要的是保守你的心(你所相信的)。
29 December 2019 - You’re Called Out of Darkness Into His Marvelous Light - Pastor Joseph Prince Sermon Notes - New Creation Church Sermon NotesIt’s been a good year. The latter rain will continue to pour into your life. The theme of the year adds on—it isn’t subtracted. The Lord is a giver, not a taker. The lesser is blessed by the greater. Jesus priesthood according to the order of Melchizedek is greater than the Levitical priesthood. When you need extra strength, see God as a giver. Receive it from Him. Love will correct. God corrects His own children. Jesus’ frequent indictment to His disciples was “O you of little faith...” Faith is the hand that takes. God is so full, don’t take so little. Faith doesn’t make God give. Faith is just a window for the light to come in—small window, little light. Big window, much light. If God clothes the lilies of the field, how much more will He clothe you? Prayer is not about saying many words so that God will hear your prayers. Jesus condemned long prayers. Short prayers are effective and powerful prayers. If you pray for a long time and don’t see any breakthrough perhaps it’s because you don’t believe yet. When you believe, you receive. When Jesus spent long hours in prayer, He was spending time with His Father in Heaven. You have not because you ask not. Jesus took back all authority from Satan through His finished work at the cross. Jesus has received all authority in Heaven and on earth, and He authorized us to go in His name. Authority is more powerful than power. A scrawny traffic policeman can stop a huge truck just by raising his hand because he has the authority. The policeman has no power to stop the truck, but he has the authority. The truck has the power, but no authority. The prodigal son went home not because he was truly repentant—he was motivated by his hunger. Whatever the reason is, go back to God. The father of the prodigal son was scanning the horizon for his son since he saw his son a long way off. The father put on the best robes, best ring and best sandals for his son—that’s Grace. One day we will have a glorified body. That body will have flesh and bones. Yet it can transcend time and space—it can pass through walls and travel instantaneously. God created everything. The cosmos did not come about by a Big Bang. “In the beginning, God created the heaven and the earth”. God knows what lies ahead in 2020. He just wants you to put your hand in His hand and allow Him to lead you into it. Every part of the temple utters God’ glory. Every part of the tabernacle of Moses represents God’s Grace. If you factor in inflation, Solomon is the richest man to have ever lived. He would be a trillionaire by today’s standard. His wealth is recorded for us in the Bible. In the temple of Solomon, everything is greater than in the tabernacle of Moses. Solomon’s temple is a visual aid for us. We are the living stones in God’s temple today. We are called to a divine destiny--you have a unique calling on your life that no one else can fulfill. When God wants to bless someone, He sends a person. When the devil wants to attack someone, he also sends a person—the devil is a corrupted imitator of God. Prosper for God’s glory. He doesn’t want us to be materialistic or covetous, but He wants us to be a blessing to others. Many who come against prosperity are actually hypocrites. They secretly want to prosper and they want their children to prosper. Wisdom is better than a million dollars. If you lose the money, it’s gone. But if you have wisdom, you can get it back, keep it and even grow it. Stop blaming your wife when you authorized her to do something. Passive allowance is still authorizing. Own up to your own mistakes. Your wife doesn’t want you to agree with her all the time. Every woman wants a strong man. Sometimes there is a conviction in your heart—you have to obey God over your wife. 2019年12月22日 - 圣诞节:耶稣与你同在 - 新造教会讲道笔记 - 马可牧师 - New Creation Church Mandarin Sermon Notes (Pastor Mark Ng)罗马书 8:32 - 一个礼物的价值表达一个人多爱我们。耶稣是最棒的礼物。他是神的独身爱子。 “神既然没有顾惜自己的儿子, 为我们所有的人舍弃了他, 难道不会把万有也连同他一起赐给我们吗?” (罗马书 8:32 CSBS) 马太福音 1:21-23 - 为什么基督被取名为“以马内利”,可是天使说他要取名为“耶稣”? 我们做的善事不能拯救我们。 我们来到教会不是来得到知识,是来明白神对我们的心。 神不是要审判你—神爱你,要祝福你。 “玛丽亚 将要生一个儿子,你要给他起名叫耶稣,因为他将要把自己的子民从他们的罪孽中拯救出来。” 不过这整个事的发生,是为要应验主藉着先知所说的话: “看哪,那童贞女要怀孕,她要生一个儿子, 人们将称他的名为 以马内利 。” —— “ 以马内利 ”翻译出来就是“神与我们同在”。” (马太福音 1:21-23 CSBS) 圣经告我们人的源头。我们不是动物慢慢地变成人。是神制造人类的。 耶稣真正的生日不是12月25日。他是住棚节的时候出生的。 可是神允许这样因为他要我们相信他,仰望耶稣地走进新的一年。 耶稣把水变成美酒。最好的酒留到最后。好戏在后头。他要我们活得有盼望。 耶稣来,要让你的生命有个大反转。 22 December 2019 - On A Starry Night - Pastor Joseph Prince Sermon Notes - New Creation Church Sermon NotesPraise and Worship Songs Performed: 1. It Came Upon the Midnight Clear - Edmund Sears 2. Joy to the World 3. Go Tell It On The Mountain - John Wesley Work Jr. 4. What Child Is This 5. O Holy Night 6. Star of Promise - New Creation Worship Jesus came to save the world, not to judge it. He will return as a Judge, but now is the time for salvation. Your soul is worth more than a billion dollars or anything on this earth. What good is it for a man to gain the world and lose his soul? We don’t practice astrology—that’s demonic. But it’s true that God made the stars. The next major event that is to happen is called “harpazo” in Greek, which refers to the snatching away of the church, also known as the Rapture. Just as Jesus ascended back to Heaven bodily, He will return for us bodily. Our faith rests on the authority of Scripture. The word of God is God-breathed. He breathed His word into the Scriptures. Voltaire said that after he dies, there will be no more Bible. After he died, his house was turned into a Bible-printing house. The word of God will last forever. Thenumber one best-selling book of all time, even today, is still the Bible. God has ordained it. Everything you need for this life is found in the Scriptures. We want our children to be strong, healthy and to prosper in all things. We want them to be well-off financially—so that they have plenty of money to love people, not love money and use people. Jesus took our sins and sicknesses on His own body at the cross. God is self-existent. He never was—He always is. That’s why He is “I AM”. God being love wants an outlet to express His love. Love is not expressed until it is given. There are hierarchies of angels that were created. Lucifer was created as a cherub and archangel—the most powerful creature in existence and a guardian/steward of God’s righteousness. Michael and Gabriel are the other two cherubim archangels that God created. In the tabernacle, there was the Ark of the Covenant, and on the ark, there were two archangels covering the mercy seat. These archangels represent Michael and Gabriel who stand beside God’s throne. Lucifer still has his gifts and anointings but they have been corrupted. One of the gifts that Lucifer has is the gift of writing songs. Now instead of writing songs that worship God, he writes songs that worship himself. Genesis 1:28 - Pastor Prince believes that before God created Adam, God had cut Lucifer and his rebelling angels down to the earth. When God made Adam, He told Adam to be fruitful and “replenish” the earth (based on the KJV translation). “Re” means that the earth was once filled with creatures—a pre-Adamic race of creatures that were probably wiped out by Lucifer and his fallen angels. “And God blessed them, and God said unto them, Be fruitful, and multiply, and replenish the earth, and subdue it: and have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air, and over every living thing that moveth upon the earth.” (Genesis 1:28 KJV) No one can make you do anything. It’s still you choosing. God didn’t make robots. He created us with free will. God didn’t intend for man to die. The fall happened because man used his free will to rebel against God’s commandment. When Adam sinned, death came into the world, and that’s why people become sick, weak, old and dead today. Why did God make the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil? There must be one thing that allows man to exercise his free will—to be able to choose to rebel against God. If there’s no choice, then it’s not really free will. God gives us boundaries for our own good. When we obey Him, we are kept safe. When your children fail/are disobedient and you show them love when they are most undeserving of it, it can be a powerful moment for them. It proves that your love for them is not based on their performance, but that you love them for being your children. Even when you discipline them, do it from a place of love, not to vent your anger or frustrations. The wages of sin is death. The soul that sins must die—not just physically, but first spiritually. Adam died spiritually immediately when he sinned, but his physical death was 900 over years later. God cannot allow sinful man to live in His presence. Sin is like cancer—it spreads. It must be killed off. God loves the sinner but He hates the sin that is harming the sinner. How much do you hate the cancer in your loved one? It depends on how much you love the person. God hates sin because He loves you. Sin destroys—God’s way is always best. The devil is always watching. He wants God to deviate from righteousness and he thinks that he’s next in line for God’s throne. Under the Law, a sacrificial lamb would be brought to the priest in Israel. The sacrificial lamb represents Jesus. It has to be unblemished. After the priest examines the lamb and approves of the lamb, the offerer lays his hands on the lamb’s head as a form of identification. The lamb receives the offerer’s sins — now the lamb bears the offerer’s sins. Now the offerer is handed a knife and he must kill the lamb — represents Jesus’ death at the cross. The offerer walks away with something he never had before—the righteousness of the lamb. Jesus pre-existed with God the Father from the beginning. He was the only baby that could choose where to be born. If we could choose where to be born, we would likely choose to be born in a wealthy family. But Jesus chose to be born in a humble, lowly stable. Lucifer was angry that God made man to have dominion over the earth. Lucifer who inhabited the earth before Adam schemed to take the rulership of the earth from Adam. Adam bowed his knee to Satan the outlaw spirit and lost his position of rulership over the earth. 15 December 2019 - Have Faith in the One Who Always Believes - Pastor Lawrence Lim Sermon Notes - New Creation Church Sermon NotesPraise and Worship Songs Performed: (I missed a few songs before this) 1. O Praise the Name (Anástasis) - Hillsong Music 2. I Stand in Worship - New Creation Worship God is only good. He’s good all the time—He is always good! The absence of your breakthrough is not the definition of God’s nature or His will. Jesus Christ is perfect theology. Today don’t look at your reality to determine the goodness of God. If you can’t see God as good, then your faith has no solid ground to rest on. We need to repent (change our minds) and see that God is good. Under the Law, people had to journey to Jerusalem and ascend to the temple on the mount. Under Grace, we can bring the temple of God (the church) to the people. Every time we serve the Lord with our resources, it is resources well-spent. Jesus came to give us life and life more abundantly. This is the reason why He came to earth. If we closely examine the way each of the four synoptic gospels ends, we will see God's heart for us. Matthew 28:18-20 - In the Gospel of Matthew, we see Jesus as the King of kings and Lord of lords. All means all. He has received all authority in Heaven and on earth. The ultimate king, Jesus, is our Lord. The heart of this King on our side. He is all-powerful and is always with us—even to the end of the age. “Jesus came to them and spoke to them, saying, “All authority has been given to me in heaven and on earth. Go, and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all things that I commanded you. Behold, I am with you always, even to the end of the age.” Amen.” (Matthew 28:18-20 WEB) Mark 16:19-20 - In the Gospel of Mark, Jesus is depicted as the tireless Servant. The Servant is still serving man today. He’s still working signs and wonders as the Gospel is preached. “So then the Lord, after he had spoken to them, was received up into heaven, and sat down at the right hand of God. They went out, and preached everywhere, the Lord working with them, and confirming the word by the signs that followed. Amen.” (Mark 16:19-20 WEB) Luke 24:50-53 - The Gospel of Luke depicts Jesus as the perfect Man. Bethany means house of misery/the poor. When there is misery, Jesus feels most at home so that He can be there to comfort you and strengthen you. Bethany is where Jesus ascended to Heaven. The last thing He did was to bless His disciples. Jesus was received into Heaven while He was still blessing the disciples. God’s heart is to bless you. The perfect Man became our great High Priest forever. “He led them out as far as Bethany, and he lifted up his hands, and blessed them. While he blessed them, he withdrew from them, and was carried up into heaven. They worshiped him, and returned to Jerusalem with great joy, and were continually in the temple, praising and blessing God. Amen.” (Luke 24:50-53 WEB) John 21:25 - The Gospel of John depicts Jesus as the eternal God. This verse is not a hyperbole. It is literal. This verse proves that Jesus is God who existed from the beginning. He has been so many things and is still doing new things today. If your breakthrough hasn’t come yet, don’t give up—keep believing. God is faithful and good. “There are also many other things which Jesus did, which if they would all be written, I suppose that even the world itself wouldn’t have room for the books that would be written.” (John 21:25 WEB) 2019年12月15日 - 看耶稣的恩典,活出圣洁 - 新造教会讲道笔记 - 马可牧师 - New Creation Church Mandarin Sermon Notes (Pastor Mark Ng)赞美和敬拜歌: 1. 恩典滋味 耶稣是完全的神,也是完全的人。 路加福音 19:1-10 - 耶利哥代表这个受了咒诅的世界。亚当的罪使人出生入死。 耶稣来的目的是让我们出死入永生。 耶稣要使死人得到生命。不只是让坏人变好。 撒该的意思是“圣洁”,可是他不能以自己的能力活出圣洁的生活。 撒该爬到树上,不是因为他好奇,是因为他心里有渴求—他要活出圣洁,可是他就是不能够。 撒该把一切的希望放在耶稣里。 是耶稣选择走过那里—是他先看到撒该。 我们怎么看耶稣是很重要的。是好奇,还是渴求? 不是看你的信心多大,是看你有没有来到耶稣的面前。 我们要以完美的视力而进入2020年。看耶稣一起与你进入新年,你就不会担心,害怕。 你只要心里相信,口里承认,神就会拯救你了。 不是看你做什么,是你心眼在看谁。 当耶稣看到撒该渴求的眼神,他必定把天堂带进他的家和他一起共餐。 圣餐不是提醒你的罪,是提醒耶稣的完工。 我们来到教会不是来看别人,是来看耶稣。 我们都亏欠了神的荣耀,可是耶稣的宝血已经洗净了我们。 你的圣洁是个礼物。你只要看耶稣就会结出圣洁的生活。 撒该敢站在耶稣的面前以为耶稣肯定了他的身份。 怎么使一个罪人改变?领受恩典。 耶稣把水变成酒—好戏在后头。你的道路会越来越光芒。 我们是凭信而成为亚伯拉罕的子孙。 “耶稣进了 耶利哥 ,正经过的时候, 有一个人名叫 撒该 ,作税吏长,是个财主。 他要看看耶稣是怎样的人;只因人多,他的身量又矮,所以不得看见, 就跑到前头,爬上桑树,要看耶稣,因为耶稣必从那里经过。 耶稣到了那里,抬头一看,对他说:「 撒该 ,快下来!今天我必住在你家里。」 他就急忙下来,欢欢喜喜地接待耶稣。 众人看见,都私下议论说:「他竟到罪人家里去住宿。」 撒该 站着对主说:「主啊,我把所有的一半给穷人;我若讹诈了谁,就还他四倍。」 耶稣说:「今天救恩到了这家,因为他也是 亚伯拉罕 的子孙。 人子来,为要寻找、拯救失丧的人。」” (路加福音 19:1-10 CUNPSS-神) 2019年12月8日 - 走投无路?找耶稣 - 新造教会讲道笔记 - 马可牧师 - New Creation Church Mandarin Sermon Notes (Pastor Mark Ng)7/12/2019 2019年12月8日 - 走投无路?找耶稣 - 新造教会讲道笔记 - 马可牧师 - New Creation Church Mandarin Sermon Notes (Pastor Mark Ng)赞美和敬拜歌: 1)恩典之路 2)无价至宝 3)耶稣的爱 一旦你没有看到你是被爱的,你就会操心,害怕。问题不大,耶稣最大。耶稣是你一切问题的解答。 马可福音 8:22-26 - 很多时候是别人带我们来到神的家。 “瞎”= 目 + 害 是魔鬼害到我们的心眼看不见。 “他们来到 伯赛达 ,有人带来一个瞎眼的,恳求耶稣摸他。 耶稣牵着瞎眼之人的手,领他到村子外面,吐唾沫在他的眼睛上,按手在他身上,问他: “你是否看见什么?” 他抬头一看,说:“我看见一些人!看起来好像树在走路!” 然后耶稣又按手在他的眼睛上,他就看得清清楚楚了。他痊愈了,就清楚地看见了一切。 耶稣叫他回家,并说: “不要进这村子 。””(马可福音 8:22-26 CSBS) 哥林多后书 4:4 - 魔鬼把世人的心眼弄瞎了。是亚当犯罪把这个权柄给了魔鬼。 魔鬼只有一个主要谎言:“神不爱你。” 看得见就是相信神爱你。 神早已替你解决你的问题了。 “对于他们,这世代的神把这些不信之人的心眼弄瞎了,使他们不能洞察基督荣耀的福音之光。基督就是神的形像。”(哥林多后书 4:4 CSBS) 约翰福音 15:1-5 - 你在基督里复生了。神是你的父亲—他负责栽培你,给你最好的的。 ““我就是真葡萄树,我父是园丁。 所有属于我 而不结果子的枝条,他就除掉;而所有结果子的,他就修剪干净,好让它结出更多的果子。 藉着我给你们讲的话语,你们已经干净了。 你们当住在我里面,我就住在你们里面。枝条如果不留在葡萄树上,就不能由自己结出果子;照样,你们如果不住在我里面,你们也是如此。 “我就是葡萄树,你们是枝条。那住在我里面、我也在他里面的,他才结出很多果子,因为没有我,你们什么也不能做。”(约翰福音 15:1-5 CSBS) 以弗所书 4:13 - 我们的阿爸天父要栽培我们,直到我们达到基督那丰盛完美的身量。 我们只要听信福音—神就会动工了。 基督如何,我们也如何。我们越看他,就越像他。 耶稣一切的荣耀只有天父看得最清楚。 我们只要看着耶稣,与他链接—就会越来越像他。 “直到我们大家达到在信仰上以及对神儿子真正认识上的合一,达到成熟人 的地步,达到基督那丰盛完美的身量。”(以弗所书 4:13 CSBS) 恩典是个人物—叫耶稣。我们来到神的家不是为了求方法,是来看耶稣。 世界堕落因为亚当吃出祸来。今天我们也可以通过吃耶稣(圣餐)而得到丰盛的生命。 8 December 2019 - The Right Timing for Your Breakthrough - Pastor Benjamin Lim Sermon Notes - New Creation Church Sermon NotesPraise and Worship Songs Performed: 1. Joy to the World - George Frideric Handel 2. Glorious and Beautiful - New Creation Worship 3. Kings of Kings - Hillsong Music 4. This is Our God - Hillsong Music Pastor Benjamin Lim said that this sermon is entitled "My Last Sermon" but i'm not sure if he was joking because he was laughing when he said that, so I took the liberty to name it something else! We must never get tired of hearing the word of Grace because it is the Gospel. Don’t get familiar with it. Acts 20:32 - It’s not the word of the Law that builds you up—it’s the word of God’s Grace that builds you up. Sometimes our breakthroughs in life don’t come to us, but through us. God builds us up stronger so we can overcome our challenges. Inheritance is exciting because it’s something we don’t have to work for. We only need to say yes and receive it. “Now, brothers, I entrust you to God, and to the word of his grace, which is able to build up, and to give you the inheritance among all those who are sanctified.” (Acts 20:32 WEB) When you hear the word of Grace, miracles and supply come into your life. It is by the ‘foolishness’ of preaching that God saves us. 2 Corinthians 3:18 - Sometimes God does instant miracles and at other times He works in our lives gradually. When God enters our lives, we become brighter and more beautiful. Grace is progressive in our lives. Sinful habits drop off gradually. Let God clean up your sinful behaviors by confessing that you are still the righteousness of God in Christ Jesus, even in the midst of your sin. Over time you will grow to hate your sinful habits and will no longer be able to enjoy them. When you know and believe you are right with God, everything in your life will gradually become right. When the journey is long, it doesn’t mean that it’s wrong. You are next in line for a breakthrough—God is open for you 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. “Nothing between us and God, our faces shining with the brightness of his face. And so we are transfigured much like the Messiah, our lives gradually becoming brighter and more beautiful as God enters our lives and we become like him.” (2 Corinthians 3:16-18 MSG) Don’t feel guilty when you don’t read the Bible—feel hungry. The Bible is God’s love letter to us. In these 66 books of the Bible, He prepared an answer for us in every situation we will ever face in life. |
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AuthorHi I’m Milton Goh, I'm 31 years old and i'm a blogger who writes about Christianity, Parenting, Life Lessons that I learn from Movies/Shows, and Lifestyle. |