2019年6月30日 - 活出恩典涌流的人生 - 马可牧师 - 新造教会讲道笔记 - New Creation Church Mandarin Sermon Notes (Pastor Mark Ng)趁还来得及,请放慢速度和心态。 我们的头脑不是电脑 — 不能随时关机。日有所思,夜有所梦。 神要你进入他的安息。 当你感到心急,定罪感,你说话的口气也会被影响 — 说两句话就吵架。 希伯来书 4:1-3 - 当你终于进入神的安息,你就会得救。赶快信吧,因为神要供应你。 相信你已经拥有你需要的。 不是你不够忠心,是你没有信心。 恩典的意思是:我们不配得到神的祝福,可是我们透过耶稣的完工而得到了。 “所以,那进入安息的应许,既然还给我们留着,我们就应该战战兢兢,恐怕我们中间有人像是被淘汰了。 因为有福音传给我们,像传给他们一样,只是他们所听见的道,对他们没有益处,因为他们没有用信心与所听见的打成一片 。 然而我们信了的人,就可以进入那安息。正如 神所说: “我在烈怒中起誓说, 他们绝不可进入我的安息!” 其实 神的工作,从创立世界以来已经完成了。”(希伯来书 4:1-3 CNVS) 约翰壹书 2:1-2 - 耶稣是我们的公义。我们是永远公义的。我们不需要有定罪感。 “我的孩子们,我写这些给你们,是要你们不犯罪。如果有人犯了罪,在父的面前我们有一位维护者,就是那义者耶稣基督。 他为我们的罪作了赎罪祭,不仅为我们的罪,也为全人类的罪。”(约翰壹书 2:1-2 CNVS) 希伯来书 4:6 - 你需要相信,才能得到福音的功效。 “既然这安息还留着要让一些人进去,但那些以前听过福音的人,因为不顺从不得进去;”(希伯来书 4:6 CNVS) 希伯来书 4:11-16 - 如果你要享受安息,你要记得你跟神有关系。 如果你不相信耶稣是你及时的帮助,你永远不会进入神的安息。 “所以,我们要竭力进入那安息,免得有人随着那不顺从的样子就跌倒了。 因为 神的道是活的,是有效的,比一切两刃的剑更锋利,甚至可以刺入剖开魂与灵,关节与骨髓,并且能够辨明心中的思想和意念。 被造的在 神面前没有一样不是显明的,万有在他的眼前都是赤露敞开的;我们必须向他交帐。 我们既然有一位伟大的、经过了众天的大祭司,就是 神的儿子耶稣,就应该坚持所宣认的信仰。 因为我们的大祭司并不是不能同情我们的软弱,他像我们一样,也曾在各方面受过试探,只是他没有犯罪。 所以,我们只管坦然无惧地来到施恩的宝座前,为的是要领受怜悯,得到恩惠,作为及时的帮助。”(希伯来书 4:11-16 CNVS) 我们总是不敢放慢速度,因为我们害怕不能有好的成果。 你不需要一直靠你自己的力量。神没有叫你每天拼事业。信靠耶稣。 诗篇 1:2-3 - 诗篇有150章。第一章已经告诉我们重点了。 神要我们默念他的话语。 “他喜爱的是耶和华的律法, 他昼夜默诵的也是耶和华的律法。 他像一棵树,栽在溪水旁, 按时结果子, 叶子总不枯干; 他所作的一切,尽都顺利。”(诗篇 1:2-3 CNVS) 腓立比书 4:19 - 如果主要你做的,他必定供应。没有信心的人不会进入神的安息。 “我的 神必照他在基督耶稣里荣耀的丰富,满足你们的一切需要。”(腓立比书 4:19 CNVS)
30 June 2019 - The Menorah: Jesus and the Church - Pastor Joseph Prince Sermon Notes - New Creation Church Sermon NotesPraise and Worship songs performed: (I probably missed two songs before this) 1. Way Maker - Sinach 2. In Whom I Can Trust - Steven Wee 3. I Want To Sing Until I Am Lost In Your Love - Malcolm du Plessis 4. I Stand In Worship - New Creation Worship You are special and you have a calling and destiny. God made you unique. Even if you were born out of wedlock, God can still use you mightily. You are called for an assignment. Every time you come to the house of God, that assignment becomes clearer and clearer. There is an assignment from God within your assignment. Every time you come to the house of God, take down notes. There is a special place in Heaven for those who take down notes. Psalm 36:7-9 - The shadow of His wings is a picture of protection. The words “loving kindness” in Hebrew is hesed which means Grace. When you have a revelation of God’s Grace, the supernaturally natural response is to have faith in God’s protection. There is a bountiful feast always prepared for God’s children in the house of God. The word “pleasures” in Hebrew is the plural form of Eden. You can enjoy the pleasures of Paradise in God’s house. When you read or listen to God’s word, you will receive solutions to the problems that you’re facing, even if the word has nothing to do with your problem — in God’s light we will see light. “How precious is your loving kindness, God! The children of men take refuge under the shadow of your wings. They shall be abundantly satisfied with the abundance of your house. You will make them drink of the river of your pleasures. For with you is the spring of life. In your light shall we see light.” (Psalms 36:7-9 WEB) Luke 24:18-27 - Cleopas and the other disciple were heading home on the road to Emmaus on the same day of Jesus’ resurrection. The two disciples had a dim revelation of Jesus. They only saw Jesus as a prophet, and they made Jesus just a side-issue — a means to an end of the restoration of Israel. But Jesus called Himself the Christ. Jesus then expounded from Moses (the first 5 books of the Old Testament) and the prophets to the two disciples. “One of them, named Cleopas, answered him, “Are you the only stranger in Jerusalem who doesn’t know the things which have happened there in these days?” He said to them, “What things?” They said to him, “The things concerning Jesus, the Nazarene, who was a prophet mighty in deed and word before God and all the people; and how the chief priests and our rulers delivered him up to be condemned to death, and crucified him. But we were hoping that it was he who would redeem Israel. Yes, and besides all this, it is now the third day since these things happened. Also, certain women of our company amazed us, having arrived early at the tomb; and when they didn’t find his body, they came saying that they had also seen a vision of angels, who said that he was alive. Some of us went to the tomb, and found it just like the women had said, but they didn’t see him.” He said to them, “Foolish men, and slow of heart to believe in all that the prophets have spoken! Didn’t the Christ have to suffer these things and to enter into his glory?” Beginning from Moses and from all the prophets, he explained to them in all the Scriptures the things concerning himself.” (Luke 24:18-27 WEB) Exodus 25:8-9 - In the first five Books of Moses, there’s only 2 chapters devoted to creation in the Book of Genesis, and many more chapters on redemption. God opened the curtain of Heaven to show Moses the true furnishings of Heaven, so that he could build a replica on earth. The tabernacle is built after a God-given pattern, based on what already exists in Heaven. “Let them make me a sanctuary, that I may dwell among them. According to all that I show you, the pattern of the tabernacle, and the pattern of all of its furniture, even so you shall make it.” (Exodus 25:8-9 WEB) 2019年6月23日 - 你的突破必定发生 - 马可牧师 - 新造教会讲道笔记 - New Creation Church Mandarin Sermon Notes (Pastor Mark Ng)22/6/2019 2019年6月23日 - 你的突破必定发生 - 马可牧师 - 新造教会讲道笔记 - New Creation Church Mandarin Sermon Notes (Pastor Mark Ng)赞美和崇拜的歌曲: 1. 与你亲近就好 2. 无价之宝 当你看十字架,你的思维就会被打开。 在末时里,黑暗会遮盖大地。上帝的话语已经让我们晓明了。我们需要领受耶稣的光。 我们的肉体属于世上,可是我们的灵属于天上。 新闻一直播坏消息。如果我们不看到耶稣,我们只能进入越来越黑暗。 我们黑暗的过去无法阻止我们荣耀的未来。 你不是不够忠心,而是没有信心。 什么是相信:“我信,我说。” 有些人相信,可是没有说出来。 又有另一种人不相信,可以说很多话,假装相信。 如果你真地相信,你心里相信的话一定会从口里说出来了。 我们不是面向世界,而是面向天堂。 我们快要”被提”了,不要浪费时间和精力。知道被提的真实会洁净你的心。 不要为一条金链而跟别人吵架。天堂里的路都是纯金的。 天堂没有医院,坟场,因为天堂没有疾病或死亡。 很多人在等待突破。当你在等,应该怎么面对呢? 我们不需要心急或埋冤。 我们心中期待新的,其实是在期待突破。 神把亚伯拉罕从他的国家照出来因为他要他离开堕落的思想。 我们是不正常的人 — 我们是新造,拥有耶稣的健康和生命。 我们有一个说话的上帝。他一直在和我们沟通。 上帝创造我们的心是为了让我们容纳耶稣。 创世记 14:17-18 - 当你心里劳累疲倦的时候,耶稣就会来找你,服侍你。 “亚伯兰击败了基大老玛和与他联盟的王回来的时候,所多玛王出来,在沙微谷迎接他。沙微谷就是帝王谷。 撒冷王麦基洗德也带着饼和酒出来;他是至高神的祭司。”(创世记 14:17-18 CNVS) 创世记 15:1-2 - 人的信心是上上下下的,可是神是我们不变的盾牌。 “这些事以后,耶和华的话在异象中临到亚伯兰说: “亚伯兰,你不要惧怕, 我是你的盾牌; 你的赏赐是很大的。” 亚伯兰说:“主耶和华啊,我一向都没有孩子,你还能赐给我甚么呢?这样,承受我家业的,就是大马士革人以利以谢了。””(创世记 15:1-2 CNVS) 当我们软弱时只需要转向耶稣,与他沟通。当我们软弱,神会给我们他的力量。 23 June 2019 - Jesus Our Servant King - Pastor Lawrence Lim Sermon Notes - New Creation Church Sermon NotesPraise and Worship songs performed: 1. King of My Heart - Bethel Music 2. Goodness of God - Bethel Music 3. You Alone - Don Harris Jesus is the fairest of ten thousand, and altogether lovely. It doesn’t matter how many times you have failed or sinned. God’s Grace and mercy is greater. He is the God of second chances. We are not good in and of ourselves. God is good to us because of His own goodness. The Hebrew word Hesed which is usually translated as loving-kindness and mercy in the Old Testament, is revealed as “Grace” in the New Testament. The Gospel is not just the Gospel of Grace, but also the Gospel of Peace. You can only understand the love of God the Father when you know how much He loves Jesus His Son — He gave up His Son at the cross, so that He can give us life. God wants to give us peace. Thanks to Jesus’ finished work at the cross, God has become our Father, and we have peace with Him. There is one fear that Christians are instructed to have: a fear of not entering in the rest from works-based justification that God has promised. Frozen 2 is Coming — How to Protect your Child’s Soul From Elsa’s MagicI wonder what’s the new hit song they have composed that is the equivalent of “Let It Go”? One thing I know is that it’s going to be super catchy and extremely attractive, and everyone around the world is going to be crazy over it. The world is so skilled at producing high-quality animation that captures the imagination and arrests the heart. That’s the danger of the quickly incoming Frozen 2. I have no qualms watching it myself because I know that it’s just for entertainment and I don’t covet magic or anything, but to a little child watching it, it is tempting them to seek magic. The main character, Arendelle’s Queen Elsa, is a character designed based on the Snow Queen from Hans Christian Anderson’s fairy tale, who is basically a witch. Elsa was born with ice magic and is able to use these magical powers whether for good or evil. ““‘Don’t turn to those who are mediums, nor to the wizards. Don’t seek them out, to be defiled by them. I am Yahweh your God.” (Leviticus 19:31 WEB) We know that magic and witchcraft is of the devil. He has an extent of supernatural power, but it is greatly inferior to God’s power. “The magicians tried with their enchantments to produce lice, but they couldn’t. There were lice on man, and on animal. Then the magicians said to Pharaoh, “This is God’s finger:” and Pharaoh’s heart was hardened, and he didn’t listen to them; as Yahweh had spoken.” (Exodus 8:18-19 WEB) Try as he may, the devil can’t create life. His powers are no match for God’s. After all, he is a creature whereas God is the Creator. Should we allow our children to watch Frozen 2? I think it’s ok if they are able to understand that it’s purely for entertainment and enjoying a well-written, fictional story. However, if they don’t understand that, you may find them dressing up as Elsa after watching the movie, and pretending to have ice magical powers. Don’t underestimate what a sampling of the occult from a young age can lead to — it’s not just harmless fun. As they grow up, they may be tempted to seek hidden power from dark sources, such as playing with ouija boards, casting magical spells, or practicing witchcraft. Satan wants them hooked from young, so that they will be easier to tempt and deceive when they grow up. “Train up a child in the way he should go, and when he is old he will not depart from it.” (Proverbs 22:6 WEB) The question I want to ask you is: Who is training up your child in the way he/she should go? Are they acquiring a taste for God’s word, or for the deceptions in the world? This is important because what they are trained in from young, will be difficult to remove from their programming when they are old. 2019年6月16日- 张大口,被充满- 马可牧师- 新造教会讲道笔记- New Creation Church Mandarin Sermon Notes赞美和崇拜的歌曲: 1)恩典之路 2)主你是我力量 3)蒙福 在新约下,神要作我们的天父阿爸。 上帝很乐意地祝福我们。 放慢脚步不然太迟了。 路加福音 21:25-28 - 这个世界已经变成越来越糟糕。 人的旋律已经变得太快而慢不下来了。虎和豹跑得快,可是它们的寿命很短。 乌龟的生命长因为它的生活速度很慢。 我们已经到达了“被提”的时间了。 放慢你的脚步。不要跟随这个世界的节奏。 ““在太阳、月亮和星辰中将有征兆出现;在地上,因海洋的咆哮和翻腾,列国的人就惊慌失措,陷入困惑混乱之中;人们预料到将要临到世界的事,就吓得魂不附体;因为诸天的各势力都将被震动。那时候,人们将要看见人子带着极大的权能和荣耀,在云彩中来临。这些事一开始发生,你们就当挺起身、抬起头,因为你们的救赎近了。””(路加福音 21:25-28 CSBS) 心里敏感会导致很多问题— 它的根源是心里紧张。 你工作辛苦是为了家,可是神也是为你的家好。 他要给你完全的祝福:凡是兴盛和身体健康。他的祝福不是靠你做的。 我们不能放心因为我们不明白神的心。 你缺乏神的祝福不是因为你不够忠心,是因为你没有信心。什么是相信:“我信,我说。” 有些人相信,可是没有说出来。 又有另一种人不相信,可以说很多话,假装相信。 如果你真地相信,你心里相信的话一定会从口里说出来了。 十字架已经把我们的罪全部都化消了。 神已经要医治你了。你不用求他或挣扎。你只需要心里相信,口里承认,安息地领受。 你不用靠自己。靠神,因为你看不到下一个步骤。 16 June 2019 - Your Abba Father Loves You - Pastor Joseph Purcell Sermon Notes - New Creation Church Sermon NotesPraise and Worship songs performed:
Happy Father’s Day! Fathers need and like to be appreciated. Your children are watching and learning from what you do, more than from what you say. As an earthly father, we have the privilege of being a physical manifestation of a father, to show our children the love of our Heavenly Father. Pastor Joseph’s father had intentionally shown affection to his wife in front of Joseph and his siblings. This sets an example for your children, teaching them to show affection to their spouse in the future. Pastor Joseph’s father once gave him a ‘mercy spanking’. As a child, pastor was about to get caned, but his father stopped short of his backside, to demonstrate the Heavenly Father’s love and mercy towards us. But his father only did that once in his life. Your Heavenly Father loves you and has mercy on you — He doesn’t condemn you or punish you for your sins. God can even use our mistakes and turn it around, to teach us about Himself. If you are a father, apologize to your children if you make a mistake towards them. Your job as a father is to demonstrate how the Heavenly Father is like. John 17:6 - The one name of God that Jesus came to reveal to the world, is “Father”. “I revealed your name to the people whom you have given me out of the world. They were yours, and you have given them to me. They have kept your word.” (John 17:6 WEB) Psalms 68:5 - If you are an orphan, God promises that He will be a Father to the fatherless. “A father of the fatherless, and a defender of the widows, is God in his holy habitation.” (Psalms 68:5 WEB) Start Christian Blogging Here (Helpful Resources and Links)
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This is Milton Goh. I hope you enjoyed the short sharing session I gave at IMPACT Magazine's Annual Writer's Workshop. As promised, here are the list of useful resources to support you in your new Christian blogging journey! 2019年6月9日- 信得正确,返老还童!- 马可牧师- 新造教会讲道笔记- New Creation Church Mandarin Sermon Notes恩典福音不是平常的。你所听的福音如果不和你的信心调合,它就对你无益。 福音不符合逻辑。所以我们需要一直听福音,改变我们的思维。 一个基督徒一直犯罪是因为他不知道他在耶稣里的身份。 新酒要装在新酒袋里。如果你一直在装满了旧酒的酒袋里冲新酒,渐渐地,整个酒袋会装满新酒。 新酒代表新约的真理。当你听道,这就是冲水。 在末时,很多人活的原因是追钱财。 返老还童不是靠我们的行为做成的。不是你做什么,而是你信什么。 我们要在耶稣恩典的轻松节奏里活得无忧无虑。 神要你凡事安顺,身体健康。神要给你的祝福是超越你所思所想的。 恩典会使你变得更轻松,更年轻。神要你停止老化。 神要你来到耶稣面前得到安息。 9 June 2019 - Noah: The Real Story - Pastor Joseph Prince Sermon Notes - New Creation Church Sermon NotesPraise and Worship songs performed:
(Originally Preached on 13 April 2014) Based on the standard of God, there is no man that is good. Man is measured by God’s righteousness. No man can ever match up to that on their own. The Apostle Paul called himself the chief of sinners. He was a Pharisee, not a chief mafia or chief pimp. No one is good — all have fallen short of the glory of God. The end times will be just like the days of Noah. The same solution back then will still work today. The movie “Noah” is grossly Biblically-inaccurate. This movie is crazy that it makes Noah crazy. It means God look harsh and mean. God never asked Noah to kill his family. God told Noah to save his family. Noah was a preacher of righteousness. He preached for 50 - 70 years before the flood. God gave the world an opportunity to be saved but they didn’t believe Noah’s preaching. Poetic license never takes away from the character. The Passion of the Christ is an excellent movie. The scene whereby Jesus as a child fell and Mary ran to Him, tugs at your heartstrings. In another scene, Jesus made a table as a carpenter and told Mary that it would be popular one day. Then He playful splashed water in His mother’s face. That’s a fine touch, showing their relationship. These scenes aren’t written in the Bible. But they could have happened. That’s poetic license. Genesis 3:15 - God is addressing Satan who took on the embodiment of a serpent. The woman’s seed is Jesus. Women don’t have seed. This hints at the virgin birth. In crushing Satan’s head, Jesus’ heel was bruised. Jesus is the Serpent-Crusher and Dragon Slayer. “And I will put enmity Between you and the woman, And between your seed and her Seed; He shall bruise your head, And you shall bruise His heel.”” (Genesis 3:15 NKJV) After the prophecy was given, the devil wanted to stop the coming of the Messiah. He observed Cain and Abel. Abel brought a lamb (blood sacrifice) whereas Cain brought crops of the land (the works of his own hands). Abel’s sacrifice was accepted by God, but Cain’s was rejected. When you come to God with an unblemished lamb, He respects and honors that sacrifice. The first murder was over religion. Abel approached God using God’s way, while Cain approached God using man’s way. The devil instigated Cain to murder his Abel, thinking that the Messiah would come from Abel’s lineage. But this was not so. Cain’s wife was one of his sisters. Abraham also married his half-sister Sarah. Before the fall of men had taken its full effect, man’s genes were still purer than now. We don’t marry within our family today because of faulty genes in our gene pool. There is a higher chance to have children with physical problems if you marry within the same family. |
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AuthorHi I’m Milton Goh, I'm 31 years old and i'm a blogger who writes about Christianity, Parenting, Life Lessons that I learn from Movies/Shows, and Lifestyle. |