2019年4月28日 - 让耶稣服侍你 - 马克牧师 - 新造教会讲道笔记赞美和崇拜的歌曲: 1)当我仰望 今天我们享受祝福,不是因为我们好,是因为上帝善。 耶稣不是要给我们一个重教 -- 他来给我们的是生命。 我们要专注的不是自己必须做什么、而是耶稣的完工。 上帝要给你身体健康和一生不缺乏。神是多么的紧张要祝福你 -- 是他先主动的。 当我们安息,神就会来服侍我们。 神要你坐下来休息。他会把你的仇敌变成你的脚凳。 当你听福音,神会在你生命中动工。听就可以了。 如果我们失去了什么,神会五倍地修补我们。 在十字架上,耶稣已经担当了你的罪和问题。 当你的思维错了,你做的决定也会是错的。 耶稣来世不是为了被服侍,而是为了服侍别人。 你的表现是不好的。让耶稣来洗你的脚。你只要感激地领受。 怎么做神的工?相信耶稣就是做神的工。 当你相信耶稣爱你,信心就会自然的来了。信心是个果子。 不是你祷告多久,读过多少经文-- 是耶稣完成了没有。
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28 April 2019 - Justified Without A Cause In Ourselves - Pastor Joseph Prince Sermon Notes - New Creation Church Sermon NotesPraise and Worship songs performed:
There is a new hunger for the Lord released all over the world. The days are coming whereby an unprecedented harvest of souls are coming to Jesus. Despite the moral degradation today, God’s word stands forever. When you build your life upon God’s word, you will be unshakable. The church life is not just about coming together to hear the word and sing beautiful praises to God. It is also where a certain synergy happens and the Lord imparts to His people. Where two or three people are gathered in Jesus’ name, Jesus is in the midst. Jesus is not just there as a spectator — He is there as the great I AM. If you are sick, He is your Healer. If you are broke, He is your Shepherd. Jesus is known as the Beginning and the End — Aleph (ox) Tav (cross) in Hebrew letters — the Ox on the cross. This year is 5779 in the Hebrew calendar. 79 in the year is made up of the Hebrew letters Ayin and Tet. The numerical values of Ayin is 70 and Tet is 9. Ayin is a picture of an eye, and Tet is the picture of a snake. “See the snake”. This year, the world will see the snake doing all sorts of things and they won’t even know he’s doing it. The church will see the snake (the bronze serpent) on the cross. John 3:14-15 - Bronze (brass) is a picture of Judgment. The serpent is a picture of sin. Our sins were already punished in Jesus’ body at the cross. “As Moses lifted up the serpent in the wilderness, even so must the Son of Man be lifted up, that whoever believes in him should not perish, but have eternal life.” (John 3:14-15 WEB) 2019年4月21日 - 复活节:改变髑髅头的思维 - 马克牧师 - 新造教会讲道笔记赞美和崇拜的歌曲:
耶稣为了我们死亡,埋葬,复活,改变了我们的人生。 世界上的父不是完美的,可是天上的的父是完美的。 人的责任是领受,因为在十字架上,一切都完成了。 福音就是好消息。我们借着耶稣的公义而得到神所有的祝福。 我们要相信对的福音,生命才会改变。 神的医治是个礼物,不是我们做工或遵守律法而得到的。 我们每天的生活任务就是仰望耶稣。 当时在埃及里,以色列人劳碌了一辈子,也不能脱离埃及的捆绑。 今天很多人也忙着工作,追求财富。神给我们的祝福是没有加上哀愁的。 出埃及记 12:1-5 - 华人的月历跟以色列的很相同。 他们有两个新年。当你有耶稣,你就有永生了。 逾越节是在四月里。 我们不是进入冬天 (等死),我们是永远在春天里 -- 大地回春。 我们是新造 -- 新款式 -- 岁月越大,力气越大。 我们要改变我们的思维,相信一切都完成了。 今年不一样了 -- 从今天起是个新的开始。 上帝要每个家都有一只羊羔 -- 他要我们全都相信耶稣。 永远都是耶稣超过我们一家的需要。我们一定吃不完耶稣的健康和财物的。 “耶和华在埃及地告诉摩西和亚伦说: “你们要以本月为正月,为一年的第一个月。 你们要告诉以色列全体会众说:本月初十,他们各人要按着父家取羊羔,一家一只。 如果一家的人太少,吃不了一只羊羔,家长就要和靠近他家的邻居按着人数共取一只。你们预备羊羔的时候,要按着各人的食量计算。 你们的羊羔要毫无残疾,一岁以内的公羊;你们可以从绵羊或山羊里取。”(出埃及记 12:1-5 CNVS) 路加福音 23:33 - 髑髅代表死亡。耶稣在十字架上已经败坏了死亡。 耶稣没有犯罪 -- 他是接受了我们的罪。 一样的,我们不是行义,而是接受耶稣的义。 耶稣战胜了疾病,白白给我们医治。 “到了那名叫“髑髅”的地方,就把耶稣钉在十字架上,也钉了那两个犯人,一左一右。”(路加福音 23:33 CNVS) 21 April 2019 - Resurrection Sunday: Jesus Took My Sins and Gave Me His Righteousness - Pastor Joseph Prince Sermon Notes - New Creation Church Sermon NotesPraise and Worship songs performed:
John 1:16-17 - This is Pastor Prince’s favorite verse. It defines his ministry — to differentiate Law and Grace. Many Christians are mistaken that God is stern and angry with them. God the Father does not look like an old man. Up in heaven, no one is old. Pastor Prince heard God say in his heart, “Up here we are forever young”. Growing old is because of sin. If you live in Him, you’ll be forever young. Those in hell also live forever, but not with the quality of life like believers have: eternal life. Moses is a servant but Jesus is the Son. A servant doesn’t have the same standing and position as the Son. The Law was given from a distance — God gave it from a mountain and through intermediaries: angels. The mountain was shrouded in darkness, fire, thunderings, causing even Moses to fear and tremble. But we are not under Law. We are under Grace. Grace came — that speaks of closeness and being personal. The first miracle of the Law done by Moses was to turn water into blood, resulting in death. The first of miracle of a Grace done by Jesus was to turn water into wine, resulting in celebration. Under the Law, God visits the sins and inquiries of a person up to the third and fourth generation. Under Grace, God remembers our sins no more. There has been a change. At the cross, the Law’s holy and righteous demands were fulfilled and God’s love for man was magnified. The Ten Commandments is to be obeyed in both in the actions and in the heart. The Law was given to bring man to the end of himself, so that he would know he needs a Savior. Don’t mess with sin — sin will cost you more than you’re willing to pay. “From his fullness we all received grace upon grace. For the law was given through Moses. Grace and truth were realized through Jesus Christ.” (John 1:16-17 WEB) We were all born in sin. Our lives are intricately linked to our ancestors — we received sin in our blood from them. God made a garden and placed the first man and woman in there. God told them that they are free to eat from any tree except for 1 tree: the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil. God made man with free choice. That tree existed in the garden to allow man to exercise their free choice. Man chose sin — you can choose sin but you can’t choose its consequences. The wages of sin is penalty. If God forgave man without a righteous basis, He would be loving, but not righteous. He can’t just sweep our sins under the rug and say that boys will be boys, and just acquit us of our sins. Jesus wept at Lazarus’ tomb because He knew that it’s not God’s plan for man to die. Death is foreign to us. We hate to talk about death. Death has been conquered for us. Jesus didn’t rise up spiritually — He rose bodily! Sin has been put away, in the body of Jesus. God hates sin, but God loves you. Sin is destroying everything good in your life for you. God hates sin so much because God loves you very much. Flying with Kids Doesn’t Have to Be a Nightmare - Here’s 7 Ways to Make it Better (Advertorial) Some parents may be in a dilemma about traveling to faraway destinations with their kids, especially little ones — when they are at the peak of their energy levels and eager to explore the wonders of the world around them. Having a family myself with first-hand experience of traveling with a toddler, admittedly it can be challenging, but it is not a bleak situation. Aside from trying to book cheap flights online when you’re traveling, there are also other things you can do to make your flight more enjoyable and stress-free as a family. Here are some ways that you, as a fellow parent, can adopt when embarking on a flight with your kids. 2019年4月14日- 心中安息,生命就安息- 马克牧师- 新造教会讲道笔记赞美和崇拜的歌曲: 1)无价之宝 我们是在基督耶稣里的人。 耶稣已经变成了我们的智慧、公义,圣洁和救赎。 圣经不是告诉我们要做什么才能得救。圣经教我们专注神的儿子— 主耶稣。 我们不需要追逐财富— 我们已经富有。我们是从耶稣的完工而领受的。 我们已经满蒙主恩。我们已经健康,富有了。 精神好是个果子、从十字架而领受的。 我们喝咖啡不是为了变得精神好。我们喝咖啡只是享受味道和口味而已。 我们心里的源头,出发点必须是对的。 你在外头成功,在家里失败是没有用的。如果你是个丈夫(一家之主),神要你管理好你的家庭。 约翰福音 3:1-4 - 当你以为你已经知道,神的话语会让你发现你什么都不懂。 “有一个人,属于法利赛人,名叫尼克迪莫,是犹太人的一位首领。他夜里来到耶稣那里,说:“拉比,我们知道你是从神那里来的老师,因为你所行的这些神迹,如果没有神的同在,没有人能做得到。” 耶稣回答说:“我确确实实地告诉你:一个人如果不重生,就不能见神的国。” 尼克迪莫问:“人老了,怎么能出生呢?他难道能再进母腹又出生吗?””(约翰福音 3:1-4 CSBS) 你怎么认识自己已经在主耶稣里成长?当你越来越依靠耶稣。 14 April 2019 - The Divine Pattern of Wealth Transfer in the Last Days - Pastor Joseph Prince Sermon Notes - New Creation Church Sermon NotesPraise and Worship songs performed:
What God can do for one person, He can do for another person. He is no respecter of persons, but He is a respecter of faith. Where faith is, His power flows. It is the season for evangelism. Learn to flow with God. Let yourself be effected by this spirit of evangelism. Jesus loves souls. God so loved the world. Start praying for the person you’re believing for to be saved. God can orchestrate events to happen in their lives such that their hearts are open to listen to the Gospel. Don’t give up — invite your loved ones to church. There is an anointing in the air. When you talk about Jesus and about your experience (testimony) of how He saved/ helped you, souls come. No one can say that your experience is wrong. This is the week of Passover. It’s not always that Passover falls on a Sabbath. This year, the Pesach (Passover) falls on the evening on Friday (Sabbath). After Jesus’ death on the cross, they had to bury Him in a hurry because the Sabbath was approaching. These Feasts of God have been fulfilled: Passover (Jesus’ death), Feast of Unleavened Bread (Jesus’ burial), Feast of Firstfruits (Jesus’ resurrection), Pentecost (The outpouring of the Holy Spirit on the Day of Pentecost). These haven’t been fulfilled: The Feast of Trumpets (The Rapture of the church — the trumpets will sound and Jesus will shout for us to come up and we will be caught up to be with Him forever), The Day of Atonement (The Second Coming or Jesus Christ) and the Feast of Tabernacles (The Millennial Reign of Jesus Christ). Today is Palm Sunday whereby Jesus rose into Jerusalem on a donkey. Daniel 9:24-27 - There is a famous prophecy of Daniel called Daniel's 70 weeks. Prophetically speaking, 1 week is 7 years. Laban asked Jacob to work for him for a week which turned out to mean 7 years. 70 times 7 is 490 years. From the time that the edict went forth to rebuild the walls of Jerusalem (Nehemiah 2), the prophetic clock started ticking. On the 10th of the first month (Nisan), Jesus rode triumphantly into Jerusalem. 483 years later, the Messiah was cut off — Jesus died for us. The moment Jesus was rejected, dying for us, the prophetic clock stopped. There’s exactly 1 prophetic week left to be fulfilled: 7 years. This current dispensation whereby the prophetic time clock isn’t moving is the age of Grace, for the church. In the Book of Revelation, the most of it is talking about the 7 years of Great Tribulation left to be fulfilled. If you are a believer you won’t go through the tribulation — we are not appointed for the day of wrath. “Seventy weeks are decreed on your people and on your holy city, to finish disobedience, and to make an end of sins, and to make reconciliation for iniquity, and to bring in everlasting righteousness, and to seal up vision and prophecy, and to anoint the most holy. “Know therefore and discern that from the going out of the commandment to restore and to build Jerusalem to the Anointed One,†the prince, will be seven weeks and sixty-two weeks. It will be built again, with street and moat, even in troubled times. After the sixty-two weeks the Anointed One will be cut off, and will have nothing. The people of the prince who come will destroy the city and the sanctuary. Its end will be with a flood, and war will be even to the end. Desolations are determined. He will make a firm covenant with many for one week. In the middle of the week he will cause the sacrifice and the offering to cease. On the wing of abominations will come one who makes desolate; and even to the full end, and that determined, wrath will be poured out on the desolate.” (Daniel 9:24-27 WEB) 2019年4月7日 - 怎么过着没有缺乏的生活 - 马克牧师 - 新造教会讲道笔记赞美和崇拜的歌曲:
每天我们需要仰望耶稣,因为我们每天都有新的烦恼。 专注你的问题不能够解决你的问题。 耶稣的名字是什么意思?他就是救主。他要拯救你。 神不需要人的服侍,他要服侍我们。 很多人有一个缺少的思维,也喜欢比较。比较会使你睡不了觉。 当你的眼睛离开耶稣,专注这个世界,痛苦就开始了。 很多人专注自己的缺乏而不感激自己已经拥有的。 拜一到拜五神已经创造了这个世界,全部为了要给一对夫妇。 神只说不能吃一个树的水果。 魔鬼便告诉那对夫妇:”你还缺乏。” 撒旦骗他们说吃了果实可以变成像神一样。 其实他们已经像神一样了。他们已经有了永生,有荣耀。 他们因为有缺乏的思维而失去了一切。 你的脾气改不了的。你要歇了你的工作。只有耶稣可以改变你。 义人都有软弱的时候。那不代表你是软弱的人。 你心里相信的就是你生命会经历的。一切是从你的心发出来的。 彼得后书 1:3 - 不是你找到神,是神找到你。神是以自己的荣耀和美德招我们的。如果神不开我们的眼睛,我们不可能会相信耶稣的。 “神以他神圣的能力,因着我们确实认识那位用自己的荣耀和美善呼召我们的,把一切有关生命和敬虔的事,都赐给了我们。”(彼得后书 1:3 CNVS) 你生病不代表你是病人。耶稣现在如何,你在这世上就如何。 福音说我们会得释放和自由。 我们已经站在战胜之地。 你看耶稣你就不会比较。你看这个世界你就会比较。 神看你是没有缺乏的。你要相信:我已经拥有了。 7 April 2019 - The Blessings of the Twelve Tribes of Israel - Pastor Joseph Prince Sermon Notes - New Creation Church Sermon Notes
Praise and Worship songs performed:
There are certain things you can do that shortens your life and other things you can do that lengthens your life. The Fear of the Lord prolongs days. Honor your father and mother and you will live long on the earth. Before God saw, God spoke. He didn’t say what was (the darkness), He spoke what He wanted to see. God spoke and then He saw that it was good. Speak life if you want to be healthy. You want to see good? Call it first. There are things that are invisible that you cannot see. For example, healing is invisible. Have this thought: what is invisible is eternal. If you can see it right now, it’s temporal. Even your body is temporal. We will receive a new glorified body when the Rapture happens. The entrance of God’s word gives light. In David’s words: In your light, we see light. You will know how to deal with your situation as you allow God’s word into your heart. The world experiences sunlight (natural light). God created the sun to rule the day and the moon to rule the night. Jesus said “As long as I’m in the world, I am the light of the world.” The sun represents Jesus. The moon represents the church, in terms of God’s prophetic seasons. The Holy Place in the Tabernacle has no windows so there’s no sunlight. There’s only light from the candelabra (lamp-stand) — the heavenly light that gives revelation of God’s word. If you go deeper into the Tabernacle into the Holy of Holies, that’s the greatest light in there — the light of God Himself. As Jesus is, so are you in this world. Only Jesus can satisfy your heart. When you see Jesus healthy, the Holy Spirit goes to work and makes you healthy like Him. When you see Jesus never lacking in the Gospels, the Holy Spirit makes you provided for as well. Rich doesn’t mean filthy rich — it means having no lack — there’s always supply to meet every need. Why did God prevent Cleopas and the other disciple from recognizing Jesus on the Road to Emmaus? It is more important to see Jesus in the Scriptures than in person. That gives everyone equal opportunity to see Jesus. |
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AuthorHi I’m Milton Goh, I'm 31 years old and i'm a blogger who writes about Christianity, Parenting, Life Lessons that I learn from Movies/Shows, and Lifestyle. |