2019年12月1日 - 看见那完工,领受那丰盛 - 新造教会讲道笔记 - 马可牧师 - New Creation Church Mandarin Sermon Notes (Pastor Mark Ng)父母都会负责他们婴儿的一切需要。我们的天父阿爸也一样的,负责我们的一切。他每天顾虑着我们。 圣洁是个人物。公义是个人物。他的名是耶稣。 上帝要与我们联合在一起,与我们有关系。 马可福音 8:22-26 - 如果你看不见,不知道怎么走下去,来到神的家。耶稣可以让你看得清楚。 我们不需要方法,我们需要耶稣。 让耶稣(爱)握着你的手。 我们活在这个世界,可是我们不属于这个世界。 我们不需要接受苦命—我们要接受耶稣胜过死亡的命。 当下就是恩典。有耶稣就是天堂。 爱一直追随着我们,甚至到这个世上。 我们以为我们要去摸耶稣,其实是他拉着我们的手,离开这个世界的思维。 我们不是生老病死—是出死入生。 耶稣是没有罪的—连他的口水也是完美的。他的口水代表神的话语。 你安息,神动工。你只要张口,让神充满你。 耶稣把双手按在瞎子的身上,要让他领受十全十美的爱。 人就像树木—应该停止,安息,而不是操劳,提心吊胆地走来走去。 当我们连续领受耶稣的爱,我们属灵的眼睛会把一切看得清清楚楚。 我们只需要专注神的爱。接受他的爱才能活出爱。 “他们来到 伯赛达 ,有人带来一个瞎眼的,恳求耶稣摸他。 耶稣牵着瞎眼之人的手,领他到村子外面,吐唾沫在他的眼睛上,按手在他身上,问他: “你是否看见什么?” 他抬头一看,说:“我看见一些人!看起来好像树在走路!” 然后耶稣又按手在他的眼睛上,他就看得清清楚楚了。他痊愈了,就清楚地看见了一切。 耶稣叫他回家,并说: “不要进这村子 。””(马可福音 8:22-26 CSBS) 哥林多后书 4:4 - 耶稣要启发你的心眼—这是你灵里的眼睛。 当你听福音,你会看得越来越清楚。 当你说你看得见,耶稣说你是瞎子。当你承认你看不见,耶稣会让你看得见。 “对于他们,这世代的神把这些不信之人的心眼弄瞎了,使他们不能洞察基督荣耀的福音之光。基督就是神的形像。”(哥林多后书 4:4 CSBS) 神会让很多你认识的人来找你,让你邀请他们来到神的家。这里有很多鱼,让他们年年有余!准备撒出你的渔网。
1 December 2019 - Your Daddy God is Willing - Pastor Lim Lian Neo Sermon Notes - New Creation Church Sermon NotesPraise and Worship Songs Performed: 1. Blessed Be The Lord God Almighty - Kelly Willard 2. You Reign - Bob Fitts 3. Let It Rain - Bob Fitts 4. Constant Companion - Bob Fitts 5. To Keep Your Lovely Face - Graham Kendrick 6. Reckless Love - Cory Asbury A 9 year old school girl received 47 out of 100 marks in her math mid year exams. After consistently partaking of Holy Communion before her exams, she received 98 out of 100 marks in the year end exams! If you have a special needs child, your child is also specially loved and you can believe for amazing miracles for him/her. Not everyone can be famous, but everyone can be great. Greatness comes through service. Psalms 139:16-18 - Daddy God is so in love, enamored and obsessed with you. This sermon is not about accumulating information—it’s about sensing God’s love for you. God’s love makes you bold and melts all your fears away. Scientists estimate that there are 7 quintillion and 5 quadrillion grains of sand in the world. Imagine how many loving thoughts God has about you right now. “Your eyes saw my body. In your book they were all written, the days that were ordained for me, when as yet there were none of them. How precious to me are your thoughts, God! How vast is their sum! If I would count them, they are more in number than the sand. When I wake up, I am still with you.” (Psalms 139:16-18 WEB) You can pray boldly because it’s God who will answer, not you. This is the spirit of sonship. When you know your Daddy God is the King of all kings, you will be fearless. Pastor Lian shared her age on stage—she’s 59 years old. She really doesn’t look that age—heryouth is renewed like the eagles! God already sent His Son to the cross for you to pay for all your needs today. Whatever your need is, fear not! Let God’s perfect love come and cast out every fear. Like David, you may only have 5 smooth stones in your hand, but with God, you can use just one of them to slay a giant! No child of God can ever have a demon in him/her. The Holy Spirit will not allow it—the devil is so afraid of Him. You get so angry with others and with yourself if you don’t know that you are loved by God. Theprodigal son asked for his inheritance from his father who was still alive—what a rude and wicked act. The son squandered it all, and yet the father was just waiting for his son to come home. This is your Daddy God’s unconditional love for you—He loves you in spite of your shortcomings. If something bad is happening in your life, don’t judge God’s love based on that happening. See how much you are loved and claim the restoration for that calamity. If God sent His Son to die for you, how will He not bless you with all other things? You can forgive others because you have been freely forgiven in Christ! 1 John 4:16 - Know and rely on God’s love. “We know and have believed the love which God has for us. God is love, and he who remains in love remains in God, and God remains in him.” (1 John 4:16 WEB) If you’re a parent with a children who are having a really hard time, let the love of God overwhelm them and bring wholeness to them. The father in the parable of the prodigal son gave his son a ring—symbolizing authority. God entrusts us with His lavish love. 5 Life Lessons and Moral Value in Disney's Frozen 2 - Elsa and Anna's New Adventures Into the UnknownFrozen 2 lived up to the huge anticipation for it and is packed with great lessons to learn! Spoilers ahead so don't read this until you've watched the movie! Leading Cast: Idina Menzel as Elsa Kristin Bell as Anna Josh Gad as Olaf Jonathan Groff as Kristoff Alfred Molina as King Agnarr Evan Rachel Wood as Queen Iduna New Hit Songs: Into The Unknown Show Yourself The Next Right Thing All Is Found Lost In The Woods Some Things Never Change When I Am Older
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AuthorHi I’m Milton Goh, I'm 31 years old and i'm a blogger who writes about Christianity, Parenting, Life Lessons that I learn from Movies/Shows, and Lifestyle. |