15 January 2023 - Rise Up To Christ - Pastor Joseph Prince Sermon Notes - New Creation Church Sermon NotesNew Sermon Notes: Pastor Joseph Prince taught us about the spiritual gifts of the Holy Spirit and how God will cause these gifts—especially the revelation and power gifts, to operate through us more frequently this year. Praise and worship songs performed: 1. Great Things - Phil Wickham 2. Supply - New Creation Worship 3. Hide Me In The Shelter - Cheryl Thomas 4. You Alone - Don Harris The best way to help a person is to give an unbeliever Jesus. The best thing you can give your children is Jesus. God does not choose to send lazy people for evangelism. He chooses people who are equipped and who have spent times and seasons studying God’s word. There are 9 spiritual gifts of the Holy Spirit: 3 Vocal gifts 3 Revelation gifts 3 Power gifts The word of knowledge is a spiritual gift where you supernaturally receive knowledge about the present from God. The gift of discerning of spirits allows you to supernaturally tell what kind of spirit a person is operating by—whether godly, demonic, or fleshly. A believer can move in the gifts even when they have bad character. Gift is given by grace, not because a believer earned it. Ideally, we need to have both the 9 fruits of the Holy Spirit and the 9 gifts of the Holy Spirit so that both the power and character are maximized. The gifts are distributed by the Holy Spirit as He chooses. A believer can operate in all 9 gifts, but some believers move more frequently in certain gifts than other kinds of gifts. We cannot decide when to start moving in a specific gift, except for the gift of speaking in tongues. The rest of the gifts are distributed by the Holy Spirit. We will move more frequently in the 9 gifts of the Holy Spirit this year.
2023 Kairos Year Of Right Time Right Place (8 January 2023) - Pastor Joseph Prince Sermon Notes - New Creation Church Sermon Notes
New Sermon Notes: Pastor Joseph Prince said this is “2023 Kairos Year Of Right Time Right Place”. Discover how you will come upon opportune seasonable moments and happenings this year by God’s grace! Praise and worship songs performed: 1. As He Is So Are We - New Creation Worship 2. Won’t Stop Now - Elevation Worship 3. Goodness Of God - Bethel Music 4. Worthy Of It All - David Brymer Live life seeing God smiling at you every day. The Lord makes His face shine on you. In the Old Testament, the Hebrew word “panim” means face but is translated into English as “presence”. Jesus had a unique message for each of the seven local churches of Asia in the Book of Revelation. The theme of the year shared is for the local church of New Creation Church, not for the whole body of Christ. In Psalm 91, being under the shadow of the Almighty means to be so close to God and you are safe because He is protecting you. Ecclesiastes 9:11 - The word “time” in this verse is “eth” in Hebrew while the word “chance” is “qarah” in Hebrew. Eth and Qarah is about “right happening”. “I returned and saw under the sun that the race is not to the swift, nor the battle to the strong, neither yet bread to the wise, nor yet riches to men of understanding, nor yet favor to men of skill; but time and chance happen to them all.” (Ecclesiastes 9:11 WEBUS) You cannot get closer to God through right behavior. You have to understand that you are already close to God because you are in Christ. Your prayers are just as powerful as if Jesus is praying Himself. This is what it means to pray in Jesus’ name. The Durian Bakery Review - Mille Crepe Cake and MSW Giant Puff for my 30th Birthday![Advertorial]
So I turned 30 on 2 Jan 2023! Time has flown by so quickly, it's amazing just to think about it... This year, I received a durian cake and durian puffs for my birthday. I really never expected that, but it was a welcome surprise. I haven't eaten durian for a long time and started to crave it a bit. You know, I have tried different kinds of durian cakes and durian puffs over the years, but the “Premium MSW Bundle - Mille Crepe + Super Burst Puffs” from The Durian Bakery are the best I have ever eaten! For a special price of $138.70 instead of the usual price of $166.00, one will receive:
The amount of durian fillings in both items was very generous, and the durian was sweet and fresh tasting. Everyone at home who tried the cake and puffs commented how good they were. 1 January 2023 - The Grace To Understand - Pastor Joseph Prince Sermon Notes - New Creation Church Sermon NotesNew Sermon Notes: Pastor Joseph Prince taught us the importance of seeking Jesus for wisdom this year, and the amazing blessings that come from receiving understanding of God’s word. Praise and worship songs performed: 1. No Other Name - Hillsong Music 2. Forever - Chris Tomlin 3. I See Grace - New Creation Worship 4. Living Hope - Bethel Music 5. Shout To The Lord - Darlene Zschech God’s eyes are on you to bring about good in your life. We are still in the times of the Gentiles. We can enjoy food and drinks, but not excessively until it becomes gluttony or drunkenness. God’s love is with us for every step in 2023. We do not know what the future holds but we know who holds the future. Death and bad things happen in this world because of Adam’s sin. We live on a fallen earth. We need to press through in faith and prayer until we see our breakthrough. Jesus was not satisfied with the woman with the issue of blood receiving a blessing secretly. He wanted her to know that God wants her to be healed, so He called her out from the crowd and affirmed her. In all things, Jesus has the preeminence. His love is better than wine. When parents brought their children to Jesus and asked Him just to touch them, He exceeded that and embraced them. He exceeds us in everything. Those who are in Heaven now are disembodied but they are happy and at peace with their departed loved ones who are in Christ. The only part of redemption we are still waiting for now is the redemption of our mortal bodies. This will happen when the Rapture happens. I am a spirit, I have a soul (my emotions and mind), and I live in a body. Long before the body breaks down, the spirit has been troubled and down. When a person receives Jesus as Lord, he is born again in the spirit. When a person is saved, it is eternally. It is not a probational salvation. We became righteous by being born again as a righteous new creation in Christ, in the class of God’s family. God told Pastor Prince that he should pray for everyone attending the service to have a brand new mind. Adam sinned in a perfect environment (the Garden of Eden). Jesus (the Last Adam) obeyed God in a desolate environment of the wilderness. |
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January 2024
AuthorHi I’m Milton Goh, I'm 31 years old and i'm a blogger who writes about Christianity, Parenting, Life Lessons that I learn from Movies/Shows, and Lifestyle. |