23 June 2019 - Jesus Our Servant King - Pastor Lawrence Lim Sermon Notes - New Creation Church Sermon NotesPraise and Worship songs performed: 1. King of My Heart - Bethel Music 2. Goodness of God - Bethel Music 3. You Alone - Don Harris Jesus is the fairest of ten thousand, and altogether lovely. It doesn’t matter how many times you have failed or sinned. God’s Grace and mercy is greater. He is the God of second chances. We are not good in and of ourselves. God is good to us because of His own goodness. The Hebrew word Hesed which is usually translated as loving-kindness and mercy in the Old Testament, is revealed as “Grace” in the New Testament. The Gospel is not just the Gospel of Grace, but also the Gospel of Peace. You can only understand the love of God the Father when you know how much He loves Jesus His Son — He gave up His Son at the cross, so that He can give us life. God wants to give us peace. Thanks to Jesus’ finished work at the cross, God has become our Father, and we have peace with Him. There is one fear that Christians are instructed to have: a fear of not entering in the rest from works-based justification that God has promised.
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January 2024
AuthorHi I’m Milton Goh, I'm 31 years old and i'm a blogger who writes about Christianity, Parenting, Life Lessons that I learn from Movies/Shows, and Lifestyle. |