12 August 2018 - The Power to Remain Alive and Enjoy Long Life - Pastor Joseph Prince Sermon Notes - New Creation Church Sermon NotesPraise and Worship songs performed:
In the church there is no man or woman, Jew or Gentile - there’s just the church of God. When God looks down, He only sees three groups of people: the Jews, Gentiles and the Church. You must discern when reading a piece of Scripture, which of the three groups it’s addressing in the Bible. Sometimes it’s written to you, sometimes it’s written to another group, but can still be for our benefit. God’s blessing is not visible, but it produces that which is visible and palpable. You can see the favor of God in action on a person - it produces results. Favor is seen in the results, but actually favor is spiritual blessing. Wisdom also can’t be touched, but its results are tangible. A chair that you can see with your eyes already existed long ago when it was still in the craftsman’s mind, before it was even built. When God gives you a spiritual blessing for your marriage, you can’t see it, but you can see the results when you cultivate your marriage using that gift. God places desires in your heart to lead you into His will for your life. For example if He wants you to be a musician, He will give you the desire to learn about music, to appreciate music and to want to continue cultivating your musical skills. The Bible says that man looks on the outward appearance but God looks at the heart. You don’t have to dress shabbily. That’s a practical piece of wisdom that you can use in your life and ministry. Even when you have received a spiritual gift, there is still a place for cultivating your gift. That’s not living by Law or works. You can press deeper into the gift you have received, and ask the Lord to teach you more. Then the impartation of your gift will be more powerful. For example, Pastor Prince prayed for God to give him more indisputable words of knowledge (one of the nine gifts of the Holy Spirit) so that God would definitely get the glory. God asked him whether he was prepared to be wrong, even in front of the whole congregation. Pastor Prince said yes he’s prepared and he has since been receiving more words of knowledge from the Lord.
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January 2024
AuthorHi I’m Milton Goh, I'm 31 years old and i'm a blogger who writes about Christianity, Parenting, Life Lessons that I learn from Movies/Shows, and Lifestyle. |