29 December 2019 - You’re Called Out of Darkness Into His Marvelous Light - Pastor Joseph Prince Sermon Notes - New Creation Church Sermon NotesIt’s been a good year. The latter rain will continue to pour into your life. The theme of the year adds on—it isn’t subtracted. The Lord is a giver, not a taker. The lesser is blessed by the greater. Jesus priesthood according to the order of Melchizedek is greater than the Levitical priesthood. When you need extra strength, see God as a giver. Receive it from Him. Love will correct. God corrects His own children. Jesus’ frequent indictment to His disciples was “O you of little faith...” Faith is the hand that takes. God is so full, don’t take so little. Faith doesn’t make God give. Faith is just a window for the light to come in—small window, little light. Big window, much light. If God clothes the lilies of the field, how much more will He clothe you? Prayer is not about saying many words so that God will hear your prayers. Jesus condemned long prayers. Short prayers are effective and powerful prayers. If you pray for a long time and don’t see any breakthrough perhaps it’s because you don’t believe yet. When you believe, you receive. When Jesus spent long hours in prayer, He was spending time with His Father in Heaven. You have not because you ask not. Jesus took back all authority from Satan through His finished work at the cross. Jesus has received all authority in Heaven and on earth, and He authorized us to go in His name. Authority is more powerful than power. A scrawny traffic policeman can stop a huge truck just by raising his hand because he has the authority. The policeman has no power to stop the truck, but he has the authority. The truck has the power, but no authority. The prodigal son went home not because he was truly repentant—he was motivated by his hunger. Whatever the reason is, go back to God. The father of the prodigal son was scanning the horizon for his son since he saw his son a long way off. The father put on the best robes, best ring and best sandals for his son—that’s Grace. One day we will have a glorified body. That body will have flesh and bones. Yet it can transcend time and space—it can pass through walls and travel instantaneously. God created everything. The cosmos did not come about by a Big Bang. “In the beginning, God created the heaven and the earth”. God knows what lies ahead in 2020. He just wants you to put your hand in His hand and allow Him to lead you into it. Every part of the temple utters God’ glory. Every part of the tabernacle of Moses represents God’s Grace. If you factor in inflation, Solomon is the richest man to have ever lived. He would be a trillionaire by today’s standard. His wealth is recorded for us in the Bible. In the temple of Solomon, everything is greater than in the tabernacle of Moses. Solomon’s temple is a visual aid for us. We are the living stones in God’s temple today. We are called to a divine destiny--you have a unique calling on your life that no one else can fulfill. When God wants to bless someone, He sends a person. When the devil wants to attack someone, he also sends a person—the devil is a corrupted imitator of God. Prosper for God’s glory. He doesn’t want us to be materialistic or covetous, but He wants us to be a blessing to others. Many who come against prosperity are actually hypocrites. They secretly want to prosper and they want their children to prosper. Wisdom is better than a million dollars. If you lose the money, it’s gone. But if you have wisdom, you can get it back, keep it and even grow it. Stop blaming your wife when you authorized her to do something. Passive allowance is still authorizing. Own up to your own mistakes. Your wife doesn’t want you to agree with her all the time. Every woman wants a strong man. Sometimes there is a conviction in your heart—you have to obey God over your wife. ![]()
Like a slab of limestone from the dark quarry, you have been hewn out, carried to the temple, laid with cedar and overlaid with gold. You are a living stone in God's temple today with an amazing destiny. You have been given incorruptible eternal life and divine righteousness in Christ. Great things will happen in the coming year, and it will happen in rest, not by human effort!
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AuthorHi I’m Milton Goh, I'm 31 years old and i'm a blogger who writes about Christianity, Parenting, Life Lessons that I learn from Movies/Shows, and Lifestyle. |