2019年5月5日- 活得蒙福的秘诀- 马克牧师- 新造教会讲道笔记- New Creation Church Mandarin Sermon Notes
耶稣的名字的意思是拯救。 在耶稣基督里,我们是个新造。我们要承认耶稣所做的,不是医生所说的。 我们每天要选择吃生命树的果实。 神选择负责我们的罪因为他爱我们。 福音就是好消息:耶稣为我们死亡,埋葬,复活。 这世界只能给你暂时的舒缓。只有耶稣可以给你心里的安息。 在末时里,魔鬼要给我们超越的知识,让我们无法为自己思考,寻求耶稣。 神要我们听他的福音,因为我们的心思意念一直被这个世界冲击。 耶稣来给我们更丰盛的生命。恩典是神主动的。神要服侍你。 我们听神的话语的目的不是为了累计知识。 是为了领受耶稣的恩典,让我们把它活出来。 罗马书 4:13 - 我们的义是因相信耶稣而来的。我们继承世界是因为我们属于耶稣。 “原来神给亚伯拉罕和他后裔承受世界的应许,并不是因着律法,而是借着因信而来的义。”(罗马书 4:13 CNVS) 加拉太书 3:29 - 如果你相信基督,你就是亚伯拉罕的后裔。你是上帝的继承人。我们白白得着。 “如果你们属于基督,就是亚伯拉罕的后裔,是按照应许承受产业的了。”(加拉太书 3:29 CNVS) 十字架是个“加”号— 神加给你你从来没有的。一切都是上帝供应我们的。 这些祝福是透过因信的义而给你的。 罗马书 3:23-24 - 耶稣已经使你永远称义。这是不可失去,不能逆转的。 以前你是罪人。你如今是个义人。我们的善意是登不了天的。 “因为人人都犯了罪,亏缺了 神的荣耀,但他们却因着 神的恩典,借着在基督耶稣里的救赎,就白白地称义。”(罗马书 3:23-24 CNVS) 罗马书6:14 - 我们的罪得赦免了。罪必不能辖制我们。 “罪必不能辖制你们,因为你们不是在律法之下,而是在恩典之下。”(罗马书 6:14 CNVS) 相信你在耶稣基督里是公义的。当你专注这个真实,神会把全部的祝福都加给你。
5 May 2019 - Faith Believes and Speaks - Pastor Joseph Prince Sermon Notes - New Creation Church Sermon NotesPraise and Worship songs performed:
Home-school your child if it is possible. Pastor Prince would have home-schooled his son Justin but Justin just loves to be around people too much. A school environment is more suitable for him. God’s heart is for you to live the life that He planned for you. He has good plans for you, to give you a future and a hope. 3 John 1:2 - God wants us to prosper and be in health. Jesus was the will of God in action when He was on earth, and He never gave anyone a disease. What was the will of God then is the will of God today. Religious, hypocritical people preach that God doesn’t heal today, until it’s them that need healing — then they run around trying to get healed. “Beloved, I pray that you may prosper in all things and be healthy, even as your soul prospers.” (3 John 1:2 WEB) Pastor Prince called out healing for these conditions: right leg with pain moving up and down, neck that cannot turn fully to the left or right, lower back pain, joint conditions, clogged arteries, watery eyes and a bone condition that needed a hip replacement surgery. Faith is thanking the Lord even before you sense it. Sometimes the testimony from our mouths can trigger the miracle for others who hear it. The way out of your bondage is not a what, but a Who, and His name is Jesus. |
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AuthorHi I’m Milton Goh, I'm 31 years old and i'm a blogger who writes about Christianity, Parenting, Life Lessons that I learn from Movies/Shows, and Lifestyle. |