Raising Gifted Children in the Christian Faith
About the Author of this Guest Post:
Jemmy is a trained psychometrician with an expertise in Child Psychology and has over 10 years of experience working in primary education with a special focus on gifted children. He is a contributor with IQ Test Centre, an organisation for IQ testing of children between 5 and 16 years old. Read more of his content on his website, and on his Facebook account.
The parable of the talents (Matthew 25:14) tells us the story of three servants, each set on their way with a number of talents.
When the servants return, two come bringing gain and have multiplied the talents given to them by their master. They are praised but the third one, who so feared to lose his given share that he buried it, is cast out, for he brings the master nothing more than that with which he set out. This parable can be understood, today, in the most literal sense: talents are given to us for cultivation, to be nourished and to be multiplied. Any parent who sees signs of giftedness in his or her child might need to consider this as a talent, one they should nurture and not bury. Let's take a look at how to raise a gifted child within the Christian faith. The parable of talents reminds us that we should cherish the gifts within ourselves and others. Raising a gifted child means, on one hand, that we should embrace their gifts and help the child pursue and develop them. Whether it is in the arts, the sciences or somewhere else, a talent should be nurtured. This can mean that the parent should provide opportunities for the child to practice their talent and encourage it, for in this way their gift is honored. However, honoring and nurturing the gift doesn't mean reducing the child to their ability. Many parents are enchanted with their children's gifts or view them as the only thing that matters. This can lead to a lopsided development, especially in regards to the emotional and social aspects of life. Children who are very smart can still struggle with making friends, fitting in, and developing the capacity for good relationships. Often, this occurs because children might be “out of sync” with their peers, so it is important to help children manage these aspects of their life and ensure that their life is fulfilled. Sandcastles Don't Last Forever
This is the eBook version. If you prefer to get the Paperback version (physical copy), you can get it on Amazon here for US$15. About the Book: One day when I was singing praises to God, an image floated up in my spirit: a big and beautiful sandcastle being washed away by the waves from the sea. God was teaching me the futility of holding tightly onto worldly possessions because like the sandcastle, they won't last, and one day will cease to exist. He taught me from His word to focus on Him and by doing so, I would reap great eternal rewards before Jesus' throne at the start of the Millennium. These rewards will last forever and can't be destroyed or stolen. It is my prayer that the revelations in this book will help you to live with a focus on the things above where God is, fulfill your God-given calling in life, be happier and to accumulate more eternal rewards to your account. In this Book, you will learn about: - Heavenly investment advice and the futility of worldly pursuits from a trillionaire in the Bible - Why God has to reward us in order to be righteous - When and how God will destroy the current earth and sky to make way for new ones - The types of fireproof works that earn eternal rewards at the end of time - The abundant rewards of doing good works while abiding by the non-disclosure agreement between God and you - The difference between the temporary places of torment: Sheol and Abaddon - Who is the Antichrist and his name revealed in the Bible - What is the Mark of the Beast and why it disqualifies its recipients from receiving salvation - The different judgments at the throne of Jesus Christ and what it means for you as a believer - How to fulfill your calling and maximize your gifts to receive the best eternal rewards Testimonials about the contents of this book: "Sandcastles Don't Last Forever is very well written, its message loud and clear. Milton Goh gives common-sense insight on often confusing Scripture, which is much appreciated in these troubled times. My understanding of the Bible has definitely improved." - Mike Garrett, first Editor/ Publisher for Stephen King and Author of Christian Novel "Innocence Denied", from USA "This book is absolutely breathtaking. We don't work to be saved but were created to do good works. I am so energized and excited to know God values our works and we will be rewarded. This is all Glory to Jesus... I cant wait to throw my crowns at his feet and thank him for saving my life!" - Evangelist Michael Clark from USA "Dear Milton Goh, I truly thank our Abba, Father for the revelations in this book. It is so amazing how I begin to discover important verses in the Bible that I have never read. That instead of following riches, with sleepless nights, and actually shortening our lives, we are just to 'Believe in the Lord Jesus Christ', and 'Love one another'. How beautiful to find out that actually in the Bible there is both 'Earthly or Worldly Investment Wisdom' and 'Eternal Investment Wisdom' according to the revelations here from Ecclesiastes 5:14-17 WEB)!; “It seems like Solomon was not only wise at earning material riches but also at earning eternal riches.” All the glory to our Lord Jesus Christ! God bless you Milton Goh for such a wonderful book!" - Nitta Nierra from Belgium “Thank you Milton. I have just finished reading “Sandcastles Don’t Last Forever”. It’s such a good book that's filled with God's word. I love it very much. Might read again if I have the time. Thanks so much!” - Mally Chai from Singapore "I'm reading this book and loving it! The revelations of the Gospel truth shared and it's life applications are absolutely amazing! I give glory to the Lord Jesus for my dear brother Milton for this exceptional resource. I'm gonna keep feeding on its contents and believe God for supernatural breakthroughs as my mind is renewed in Christ!" - Terence from Tombel, Cameroon “Excellent book!! I enjoyed reading it so much and definitely recommend it! Milton is so gifted and all his teachings have blessed me tremendously! I thank God for people like him. Get this book, it will be worth it!” - Madeleine from SA, “Unmerited Favor” tier patron * The PDF file of this eBook will be sent to you via email manually after your purchase is confirmed. Look out for a separate email from the order confirmation email, within the next 24 hours.
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January 2024
AuthorHi I’m Milton Goh, I'm 31 years old and i'm a blogger who writes about Christianity, Parenting, Life Lessons that I learn from Movies/Shows, and Lifestyle. |