This Christmas Day, you have 5 Perfect Reasons to Celebrate and be Thankful (Based on John 3:16)13/12/2017 This Christmas Day, you have 5 Perfect Reasons to Celebrate and be Thankful (Based on John 3:16)P.S. Mae's outfit was chosen before I received the revelation that Santa Claus is so diabolical that he represents Satan himself. Read my newer blog post that interestingly reveals how Santa Claus stole the true meaning of Christmas. Blessed Christmas to you! Let’s all get on the same page: Jesus is the reason for the season. I love that Christmas reminds everyone about Jesus and songs about Jesus are even played in malls - it’s amazing! How is your Christmas season going? With this post, I want to remind you that you have lots of reasons to celebrate and be thankful this Christmas! “For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have everlasting life.” (John 3:16 NKJV) The verse above is quoted so often and I believe there’s a reason for that - it gives people so much hope. Everyone wants to live forever and to some extent, everyone has a fear of themselves or their loved ones dying, whether it be in the form of injury, sickness, aging, etc. There is so much joy to be found in John 3:16, let me share some of the nuggets with you: 1) God loves you so much.Isn’t it so awesome that the verse says that God SO loves the world (which includes you)? It doesn’t say that He’s angry at the world or wants to judge or punish us. God’s love is not like the conditional love between people in this world. His love is unconditional - He proved it: while we were still sinners who didn’t regard Him at all, He sent His Son to save us! This type of love cannot be found in this world, it can only be from the source: Love Himself! You can celebrate and be thankful this Christmas Day because God is not out to get you, but He is on your side and loves you very very much! Read More about God's Love: Becoming the Disciple Whom Jesus Loves. 2) God didn’t hold back from giving you Jesus Who is the only One who can save us from our sins.As a father of a 22 month old daughter, I can understand how sad and painful it is to see my child suffer. When my daughter Maeleth was sick and couldn’t breathe well, she was coughing, crying and totally uncomfortable and there was nothing I could do to stop it in that instant. Imagine how much our Heavenly Father suffered when He witnessed Jesus His precious only begotten Son suffer on the way to the cross and on the cross. God Who is perfect love must have been in agony seeing that happen. Yet knowing full well what Jesus would go through, He still decided to give up His Son so that we may live. If God withheld His Son, we would have no chance at eternal life and would all be condemned to eternal suffering in the lake of fire. This Christmas Day, you can celebrate and be thankful because God gave us Jesus (and isn’t He the best Gift of all?) 3) Salvation is a gift that’s easy to receive - you just need to believe in Jesus.I’m so glad that salvation is not earned by our works if not I would have absolutely no shot at it. Jesus said that even a sinful thought is equivalent to adultery or murder - so no one can fulfill the high standard of the Ten Commandments except for Jesus Himself. I love receiving gifts for Christmas. It’s exciting and I know that when I get a gift, I don’t have to pay for it - It’s understood. I just say “thank you!” and the more sincere and happy I am with receiving the gift, the more satisfaction the giver gets. The same goes with salvation: it’s God’s gift of love for us, painstakingly-purchased with His own shed blood. You and I can receive it easily just by believing in Jesus as Lord and Savior. God is the happiest when we receive His gift of Jesus with a heart full of gratitude and appreciation! You can celebrate and be thankful this Christmas Day because salvation is already yours if you’ve simply believed in Jesus as your Lord and Savior! If you have never done so, you can pray the salvation prayer here to receive Jesus as your Lord and Savior! Sandcastles Don't Last Forever
This is the eBook version. If you prefer to get the Paperback version (physical copy), you can get it on Amazon here for US$15. About the Book: One day when I was singing praises to God, an image floated up in my spirit: a big and beautiful sandcastle being washed away by the waves from the sea. God was teaching me the futility of holding tightly onto worldly possessions because like the sandcastle, they won't last, and one day will cease to exist. He taught me from His word to focus on Him and by doing so, I would reap great eternal rewards before Jesus' throne at the start of the Millennium. These rewards will last forever and can't be destroyed or stolen. It is my prayer that the revelations in this book will help you to live with a focus on the things above where God is, fulfill your God-given calling in life, be happier and to accumulate more eternal rewards to your account. In this Book, you will learn about: - Heavenly investment advice and the futility of worldly pursuits from a trillionaire in the Bible - Why God has to reward us in order to be righteous - When and how God will destroy the current earth and sky to make way for new ones - The types of fireproof works that earn eternal rewards at the end of time - The abundant rewards of doing good works while abiding by the non-disclosure agreement between God and you - The difference between the temporary places of torment: Sheol and Abaddon - Who is the Antichrist and his name revealed in the Bible - What is the Mark of the Beast and why it disqualifies its recipients from receiving salvation - The different judgments at the throne of Jesus Christ and what it means for you as a believer - How to fulfill your calling and maximize your gifts to receive the best eternal rewards Testimonials about the contents of this book: "Sandcastles Don't Last Forever is very well written, its message loud and clear. Milton Goh gives common-sense insight on often confusing Scripture, which is much appreciated in these troubled times. My understanding of the Bible has definitely improved." - Mike Garrett, first Editor/ Publisher for Stephen King and Author of Christian Novel "Innocence Denied", from USA "This book is absolutely breathtaking. We don't work to be saved but were created to do good works. I am so energized and excited to know God values our works and we will be rewarded. This is all Glory to Jesus... I cant wait to throw my crowns at his feet and thank him for saving my life!" - Evangelist Michael Clark from USA "Dear Milton Goh, I truly thank our Abba, Father for the revelations in this book. It is so amazing how I begin to discover important verses in the Bible that I have never read. That instead of following riches, with sleepless nights, and actually shortening our lives, we are just to 'Believe in the Lord Jesus Christ', and 'Love one another'. How beautiful to find out that actually in the Bible there is both 'Earthly or Worldly Investment Wisdom' and 'Eternal Investment Wisdom' according to the revelations here from Ecclesiastes 5:14-17 WEB)!; “It seems like Solomon was not only wise at earning material riches but also at earning eternal riches.” All the glory to our Lord Jesus Christ! God bless you Milton Goh for such a wonderful book!" - Nitta Nierra from Belgium “Thank you Milton. I have just finished reading “Sandcastles Don’t Last Forever”. It’s such a good book that's filled with God's word. I love it very much. Might read again if I have the time. Thanks so much!” - Mally Chai from Singapore "I'm reading this book and loving it! The revelations of the Gospel truth shared and it's life applications are absolutely amazing! I give glory to the Lord Jesus for my dear brother Milton for this exceptional resource. I'm gonna keep feeding on its contents and believe God for supernatural breakthroughs as my mind is renewed in Christ!" - Terence from Tombel, Cameroon “Excellent book!! I enjoyed reading it so much and definitely recommend it! Milton is so gifted and all his teachings have blessed me tremendously! I thank God for people like him. Get this book, it will be worth it!” - Madeleine from SA, “Unmerited Favor” tier patron * The PDF file of this eBook will be sent to you via email manually after your purchase is confirmed. Look out for a separate email from the order confirmation email, within the next 24 hours. Give a Love Gift
This is a way to bless our ministry and sow a spiritual seed for a plentiful harvest from the Lord.
Since you're not receiving any product in return, the Lord will surely reward you for this faithful gift! Alternatively, you can sow into our ministry with a monthly recurrring gift by joining us as a patron on Patreon. 4) You will never be condemned to hell or the lake of fire.Have you ever stood near a burning flame and felt the intensity of its heat? Or have you ever been burnt before and experience that shock and pain shooting through your body? If we in our mortal, fallen bodies can experience such sensations, can you imagine how intense the pain and suffering we would feel in our spirit forms after death? The fires of hell and the lake of fire are never quenched and the worms there never die. How terrible would it be to spend eternity in such a literally God-forsaken place of punishment? Thank God that He has promised that once we believe in Jesus, we have passed from death into life and will never be condemned to hell. Praise Jesus that He promised we would never fall out of His hand, and that we will always be kept safe in the secret place of the Most High - we will only see the reward of the wicked from a safe distance, and never experience it ourselves. This Christmas Day, you can celebrate and be thankful because you will never find yourself in hell or the lake of fire. Read last year's Christmas service sermon notes: Al-Tirah: Living a Fear-Free Life. 5) You have eternal life and there’s a glorious future ahead for you!In this world so many people are afraid of growing old and eventually dying. The rich invest in research and technology to find the secrets to longevity, eternal youth and everlasting life. They capitalize on people’s fears to market nutritional and skincare products which promise to solve everyone’s fears. Actually there is a way to gain restoration of youth and eternal life without you having to pay a single cent for it because Jesus has already paid-in-full at the cross! Simply by putting your faith in Jesus, your youth can be renewed like the eagles and your flesh can become fresher than a child’s. It’s promised in God’s word! Just by trusting in Him, you can immediately possess eternal life and know with confidence that you will be experiencing endless joy and peace with Jesus in heaven after journeying through this world. This Christmas Day, you can celebrate and be thankful because you already have eternal life and you can look forward to a glorious future ahead of you in this world, and in the next! Is your heart bursting with thankfulness and full of the joy of Christmas now? Do you feel like celebrating because you know the true meaning of Christmas Day? That’s great because I know I will enjoy this day too with my family. Let's keep spreading God's love all around! I want to take this chance to thank everyone who has been reading the sermon notes on this blog and especially to our dear patrons on Patreon who have been such blessings to us! Take note that I'm working on bringing you the downloadable and printable eBook of all my 2018 sermon notes as soon as I can, so look out for that, it's going to be such a blessing! Once again, have a very blessed Christmas and a Glorious New Year - can’t wait to bring you even more great content next year! I hope that you have been blessed by reading this post on "This Christmas Day, you have 5 Perfect Reasons to Celebrate and be Thankful (Based on John 3:16)". Do any of the suggested articles below interest you?
Want to receive Jesus into your life, be saved from your sins and inherit unmerited favor and eternal life as a child of God? Go this link and simply pray the prayer aloud! Welcome to God's big, happy family - You are now a child of God! Would you like to help to keep this blog alive and get exclusive rewards (including ALL my sermon notes in a downloadable e-Book format)? Visit my Patreon page for more details now! Please Like, Share and Comment on this post if you were blessed by reading these sermon notes! Be blessed and walk in divine favor, Milton Goh ---------------------------------------------- Follow me on Instagram @miltongohblog Connect with me on FaceBook here. Watch my videos on YouTube here. * Please Take Note: These sermon notes are not official New Creation Church (NCC) or Pastor Joseph Prince sermon notes. These sermon notes are not affiliated with NCC or Pastor Prince. I highly recommend purchasing Pastor Prince's sermons on his mobile app even after you read these notes as I may have missed out something he shared and the overall experience is definitely different when you listen to him preaching directly! Use these notes as a revision guide instead of solely depending on them! "Joseph Prince" mobile application Download Link: [ Apple ] [ Android ] These sermon notes are independently-compiled by me, and I'm just a loyal and regular attendee of the the church's Sunday services, and I feel led to take detailed personal sermon notes of Pastor Prince's anointed messages to share them with the world, which desperately needs the true word of God and the original gospel of grace. I feel blessed to be able to attend Pastor Joseph Prince's services in person, and would like to help everyone who isn't able to attend in person, to get hold of the messages as soon as it is preached! Support my work and help me to be able to post more sermon notes more frequently by clicking HERE.
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AuthorHi I’m Milton Goh, I'm 31 years old and i'm a blogger who writes about Christianity, Parenting, Life Lessons that I learn from Movies/Shows, and Lifestyle. |