24 January 2018 - Encounter Night: The Lost World Out There Needs Grace - Pastor Joseph Prince Sermon Notes Online - New Creation Church Sermon Notes for Midweek ServicePastor Prince ministered in healing as led by the Holy Spirit. Lots of people received healing. Healing anointing is not limited by time or space. Receive your healing for whatever condition you have as you are reading this now in Jesus’ name! Believers will lay hands on the sick and they SHALL recover. It may not be immediate healing but they will recover for sure. Many times when you receive a healing miracle from God, you won’t feel anything supernatural. No heat, cold, electricity-feeling or anything. Divine healing doesn’t have to come with dramatic flair to be effective. Holiness is not the purchase price for your healing. Healing is a gift. Are you still sin-conscious? If you are, then you still haven’t received the grace of God. The one who is supposed to be satisfied by the payment is the one to whom the debt is owed. If God is satisfied by the payment that Jesus has given at the cross, then why aren’t you? One sacrifice for sins forever. One sacrifice for sickness forever. Healing is a gift - it is a grace. Word from Pastor Prince: There are a few of you that have been feeling dizzy lately during the day. It’s making you feeling like you’re getting old and getting some sort of serious sickness. It’s an attack from an evil spirit. Stand up where you are and receive deliverance from it by faith in Jesus’ name.
Are you still sin-conscious? If you are, then you still haven’t received the grace of God. The one who is supposed to be satisfied by the payment is the one to whom the debt is owed. If God is satisfied by the payment that Jesus has given at the cross, then why aren’t you? One sacrifice for sins forever. One sacrifice for sickness forever. Healing is a gift - it is a grace.
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January 2024
AuthorHi I’m Milton Goh, I'm 31 years old and i'm a blogger who writes about Christianity, Parenting, Life Lessons that I learn from Movies/Shows, and Lifestyle. |