8 March 2020 - Sit Afresh with Christ to Overcome Every New Challenge - Pastor Joseph Prince Sermon Notes - New Creation Church Sermon NotesEvery time the devil raises up a new trial or persecution to shake your faith, practice sitting afresh with Christ and see how God has already prepared all the protection and provision for you. His supply of grace always exceeds your needs. Let’s not talk about the coronavirus which the world is talking about. Let’s talk and hear about Jesus—the King of kings and Lord of lords. We are like on a wilderness journey on our way home to Heaven. When believers pass on today, it’s not death but falling asleep, because Jesus has conquered Death for us. Death is behind us. In the wilderness, the rock was smitten and water came out to refresh the people. The rock represents Jesus. The waters of Mara were bitter, but the tree was thrown in and the water became sweet. The tree is a picture of Jesus’ finished work at the cross. The fiery serpents bit the children of Israel in the wilderness, but when they looked intently at the bronze serpent on the pole, they were healed and lived. The bronze serpent on the pole represents Jesus crucified at the cross, who bore all our sin and curse. Those who receive the abundance of grace and the gift of righteousness will reign in life through Jesus Christ. Righteousness is gift to you because Jesus paid for it and you received it freely by faith. Don’t forsake the gathering of the church even as we see the day approaching. The day of the Rapture is approaching. We see plagues, great earthquakes and rumors of wars, just as Jesus predicted. But don’t focus on all these—lift up your heads and look to Jesus. The 144,000 in the Book of Revelation are Jewish evangelists who will be raised by God to proclaim the Gospel to the world during the Tribulation which is after the Rapture. When the Rapture happens, we won’t be like disembodied ghosts—we will have new immortal bodies. We will live forever in that body, and never be sick or die. We will not be limited by time or space. What God does will stand the test of time. The devil gives quick fixes that don’t really have lasting beneficial effects. Don’t fear what the world fears. The most spoken words Jesus day is “al tirah” (fear not). The first time al tirah appears in the Bible is when Abram had a dream about God assuring him that He was his shield (Genesis 15:1). When He was on earth, Jesus could not be destroyed or killed because He was sinless—death could not fasten on Him. This is referred to as the “impeccability of Christ”. Even though Jesus could not be killed, there was a humility about Him—He was born as a baby, and we read that He felt physical tiredness. For the feeding of 5000, Jesus used only 5 loaves to feed them. For the feeding of 4000, Jesus used 7 loaves. In God’s economy, the bigger the problem, the easier it is for Him to solve it. God’s ways are opposite of the world. To be exalted, we should humble ourselves. Being exalted (promoted) is not wrong—but let God be the one to exalt you. Don’t try to get there yourself. God exalts you to become a greater blessing to others, and so that you can bring many to the saving knowledge of Jesus Christ. We have prosperity for a purpose. We are now in the dispensation of Grace. God is thrice-holy and cannot receive sinful man into His presence. Through Jesus’ finished work at the cross, God had a righteous basis to receive us as His children. Jesus’ precious blood that was shed fully met the divine requirements of the Law. God told Abraham to take his son, the son that he loved, to be sacrificed at Mount Moriah. In the end, God did not let Isaac die. This incident is a picture of what was to come at the cross. God the Father offered His only Son, the Son whom He loved, to be sacrificed at the highest point on Mount Moriah—Mount Calvary. Jesus said, “Before Abraham was, I AM.” He is still the I AM. When worldly men are prosperous, they don’t think about God or their soul. They only focus on their flesh and its satisfying its carnal desires. Through this COVID-19 virus, even though it’s not from God, many souls are thinking about God for the first time and even receiving Jesus as Lord. Pastor Joseph Prince mentioned a good book “Beyond Death’s Door” written by Dr Maurice S. Rawlings which is the testimony of a well-respected medical surgeon that describes a glimpse of the afterlife—both Heaven and Hell.
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AuthorHi I’m Milton Goh, I'm 31 years old and i'm a blogger who writes about Christianity, Parenting, Life Lessons that I learn from Movies/Shows, and Lifestyle. |